Brown,red pink discharge??!!
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I haven't had a period for 3 months or so but now have had 2 weeks of brown or red or pink discharge. Small at first but now need to wear a liner. It just seems to go on and on? I've had smear tests and scans and nothing sinister found but can't help worrying.
I tell myself it's all part of the path towards menopause but now the worry beads have started as my hormones are low which affects my confidence and rational thinking. I struggle at work as my thoughts are running at 1000 miles and hour and I cry at the stupidest of things and it really gets to me.
Is this all part of this journey and do any other ladies out there get this and have tips to cope? Many thanks xxx
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Suki_girl louise25018
I have had not periods for ages, long heavy periods, brown spotting. It seems to be so unpredictable at this time. As for coping, I don't seem to have any of the emotional problems but then again I am on amitriptyline (originally for vulvodynia but my GP said to stay on it because it helps with hot flushes and sleeping at night), so perhaps that helps.
gilly_64426 Suki_girl
Suki_girl gilly_64426
Painful vulva. The nerves of the vulva skin have been traumatised. This could be by physical trauma, chemical trauma or infection. The nerves become over sensitive and hyperactive. The nerves register touch as pain. Severe pain. I had burning pain all the time and if I did any exercise or when I was sitting the pain would get even worse. Sex is impossible. Amitriptyline is an anti anxiety drug but it is not taken for that anymore because they discovered it is good at dampening down overactive nerves. For nerve pain it is taken in much smaller doses than for anxiety. I take it before I go to bed and it makes me sleep very well - when I had vulvodynia I couldn't sleep due to the pain; amitriptyline helped me sleep. I no longer have vulvodynia but am now having menopausal symptoms my GP said it may be a good idea to continue with it because it helps with hot flushes and I will sleep through night sweats (which I do - I only know I have them because my night sweats wake up my hubby!). I do wonder, though, if the amitriptyline may help somewhat with the emotional aspect of menopause because I don't have any of the anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, depression that other women speak about.
littleme1969 louise25018
As for coping... its just an hour by hour day by day thing. You never know how you are going to feel from one minute to the next so i dont plan anything, just do what i can when i can. I just keep telling myself its not me its the hormones.... and when i get good periods and feel semi normal that boosts that thought so i can keep going. Also the fact that things seem to be improving slowly also helps give me a bit of confidence that there is some light at the end of the long drawn out painful tunnel xx
louise25018 littleme1969
Hiya littleme1969
Thank you for your reply and I can see you are going through the mill too! Gosh it's so tricky as we are all on this same path but everyone's experience is subtly different.
I haven't had any supplements yet but it's something I may look at soon. The doc offered hormone foam but I can only use it if I haven't had a period for 6 months!
My dear hubby is trying so hard to help me but I can't even explain myself sometimes. I must be so hard to live with.
I worry all the time about this red-pink- brown discharge but it's reassuring to know it not only me. I do get the shaking and lightheadeness at times too which is also scary especially if I'm alone in a shop or something. I usually grab chocolate or a biscuit as this helps til I can get home.
Ooo I guess it's all part of the menopause journey but can't help worrying 😞
Thanks again for your reassuring words- they have really helped me - thank you xx
sarah39816 louise25018
Hello, Louise,
I understand what you are going through. I'm 47 and have been in perimenopause for about 5 years. It's a very scary time. As I write this, I am dealing with a terrible period. I hadn't had a period in 65 days and I was feeling really well. Then 2 weeks ago I started light brown spotting, then some light bleeding and then finally after several days of a slow start, a very heavy flooding flow for the last several days. When I went to my doc previosly she had said my progesterone was low. I did not want to opt for HRT or bioidentical hormones. I thought I could tough it out. This is the worst period I have ever had. The cramps and bleeding are alarming. It reminds me of some of the earlier periods I had as a young teenager. I know this is all part of getting to menopause, but it doesn't help me when I feel the craziness. I also feel like crying all the time. I constantly feel like when is this going to end or when am I going to feel normal again?
The hormonal shifts are really difficult to deal with. I understand. I never know how I'm going to feel and during this terrible cycle I have not left my home in a week. I keep telling myself I will feel better and this will pass.
I have found that taking a little walk, stepping away from tasks for a few minutes when feeling stressed, magnesium supplements (I take 750 mg daily and that seems to help a bit with muscle cramps), and meditation can really help. Also, you have to tell yourself this isn't going to last forever!
I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know you are definitely not alone in this. Hang in there. Things will get better! Hugs! Sarah
louise25018 sarah39816
Hi Sarah thank you so much for your reply. It seems we are travelling much the same path. I haven't tried any supplements or magnesium or anything but I am thinking I should do?
Your description of your experience so matches my own and to know that I am not alone in this crazy journey is really helpful. Thank you! You have really helped settle my worries.
I do try to be positive and understand the reasons for all this but just sometimes it's really overpowering isn't it? I feel like such a different person at the moment. Too.
Hopefully we will get ourselves back soon?
Thank you so much for your kind support - it has really really helped. Big hugs Lou xx
sarah39816 louise25018
Louise--I just realized I said I was 47. I will be 47 at the end of this year. But I have had almost all 66 symptoms of peri (in the last 5 years) that were mentioned on this site. I had also wanted to mention that to you, as well--in case you had experienced anything else on the list. I've been there and understand. You will feel better! --Sarah
MoodyNoire louise25018
Hi Louise, I'm having the same issues with pink/brown discharge/period on and off for the last few days. I've been having period cramps for a week and the hormonal headache, neck pain, jaw pain, nausea, and shakiness, All the symptoms are like what I always had with my periods but the discharge/flow is very light.