brown spotting
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I found this site while doing a google search, and am very thankful to everyone for sharing stories. I had spotting for a couple of days a year ago, thought nothing of it since at that point I was about 11 months since my last period. Had a small amount of spotting again this past summer. Happened again this morning. I called the gyno I saw 18 months ago for a pap, and was told this is not at all normal. Biopsy is scheduled for 11 days from now. I am completely terrified. I have a 14 year old daughter and she is all I can think about. I told my brother this morning but don't have anyone else to talk to about it. I don't have other "classic" uterine cancer symptoms but I am still very, very scared.
thanks for listening.
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tracya01 tracey23628
Hi Tracy I've been spotting every month since July this year I finally had a biopsy last week take some paracetamol before you go as it can feel like period cramps. My gynaecologist has told me the results will take 2-3 weeks to come back and I am scheduled to see her again in January it seems like forever between appointments but try not to worry x
dawn70425 tracey23628
Rrrrr bless you Tracey..
I so feel for you, I’m 9 mths since last period, knowing my luk I’ll have a period again at 11mth then start again ...
I think this bloody menopause gives us all a feeling of some thing not right with us, I’m the same, I live on my own, both my daughter have left home, and Iv have said to my daughter on many times, if some thing should happen to me, what to do with house and so on, Iv even written two letters for my daughters to read after I’m no longer here...
OMG I’m only 53 not 93 but since the last two years of this dreaded thing, I think some thing is going to happen to me, just by havin a few pains now and again.. how stupid am I ..
But our minds do play these games with us,😡 I really think you will be ok, but understand how your feeling while waiting for test, I’m sure it’s just the norm to have some spotting.. there prob be plenty of ladies on here who are the same as you are, and hopefully they can share there stories to..
Big hug for you, and please let us all know how u got on after the test, bless you, feel for you 🤗xx
susan556 tracey23628
Aww Tracy i can understand why your frightened, we always think the worse dont we. Looking on google im áfraid isnt always a good idea either.
There are other reasons this may have happened so dont go thinking the worse, its good you have no other uterine cancer symptoms. One of my pap tests showed a real horrible dark brown on the end of the smear stick, I was really disturbed but it all came back negative.
Then i had spotting when using vagifem for menopausal symptoms, that also came back clear so try nor to worry. Going to be a long 11 day wait for you but dont worry till you have too, even then caught early treatment is highly effective .
Sue x
lynda20916 tracey23628
Hi Tracey,
I can understand that you're very frightened. I was, too. I did get diagnosed with uterine cancer. Usually, if it's caught in time it can be quickly dealt with. My symptoms were brown spotting, I lost weight and felt tired and unwell for months before I started to spot.
Please know that we are all here for you--you won't be taking this journey alone. You will be in my thoughts and prayers! xx
Guest tracey23628
First of all, you are not considered meno until you have no spotting for an entire 12 months. Sounds like you never got there and now need to start counting all over again.
Try not to worry yourself so much, I’m betting it’s going to be nothing!
For now, do something fun with your 14 year old and get your mind off of it. No sense panicking or worrying yourself sick until you know for sure. And STOP googling!!! (If you are that is)
tracey23628 Guest
Mars777 tracey23628
Hi Tracey. I have gone through this, I had the biopsy & a polyp removed it was a hysteroscopy I had, is this what you are scheduled for? It's nothing to worry about, best to have this done. Are you having a general anaesthetic? x
tracey23628 Mars777
I am just having a biopsy at this point, no anaesthetic. I called the gyno's office this morning and the receiptionist said I had to have it done right away and scheduled it. I have to go and see my GP next week to get the official referral paperwork. Getting a biopsy appointment that fast and getting in to see my doctor so quickly are both pretty much unheard of in this area, which is also freaking me out (the fact that they are using emergency slots for me, I mean).
Mars777 tracey23628
Try not to worry, It's better to get it done now than later, I just had a MRI Scan on my Pelvis because of symptoms with bleeding, it was very quick I had this done, all came back fine, I have an appoint next month now to talk through the symptoms I get ? I had the biopsy like you no anaesthetic, not enough was taken, so was given a scan then was booked in for the hysteroscopy (Biopsy) & removal of polyp as I said all fine. Do you take HRT?
tracey23628 Mars777
Good morning. No, I don't take HRT. Hot flashes, insomnia etc have been pretty manageable most of the time so I figured the risks weren't worth it in my particular case.
Mars777 tracey23628
That's great, I take HRT have done now for 7 years. I needed too, let me know how you go with your biopsy. Good luck x
lana07071 tracey23628
Tracey, there is nothing they have to go on other than the spotting so it is just the routine by the book way of dealing with the symtom. Didn't they even do an internal ultrasound to see? Usually that is done. So many of us had post meno bleeding. I had it twice, one biopsy and then one hysteroscopy with biopsy. Thank Gd all was fine. Chances are extremely high that you are fine.
tracey23628 lana07071
lana07071 tracey23628