Brown Vaginal Discharge followed by Strange Period!!
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Hi everyone!
Having a bit of a worrying time at the moment.
Last month my period was 10 days late. I didn't think too much of it, I know there's no chance of me being pregnant (partner had a vasectomy 10 years ago).
This month, about 2 weeks after the end of my late period I started getting a brownish discharge. At first I wasn't too worried as I'd had this before a long time ago for a couple of days, then it was gone.
But this time the discharge carried on.... and on. This is when I started to worry a little.
So I was due on around the 28th April, however I just had the brown discharge!
Finally, on about the 1 May, I had some normal bleeding (bright red blood etc). The flow nothing like I'm used to for my first day, however.
I'm still bleeding now, but the blood is quite watery.
I'm due a smear test after I finish bleeding this month, however I wondered if anyone had any idea what on earth could be happening to me after being so regular!
A little background on me may help - I was on medication for anxiety from August last year until February this year, had major family upset last year and I wasn't in a good place. Moved across the country to make a fresh start in December, things are now going brilliantly for me and I'm very happy. I have gained a lot of weight since August last year and am just starting a new health plan etc.
Thanks in advance for any help!
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Im 26, not on any birth control or other medication.
Thanks for any advice you can give me!
I wouldn't say my weight loss exercise a radical programe, just a more healthy change, Im not going over the top etc.
Im usually a pretty regular girl when it comes to my period, first couple of days quite heavy, then dying off.
Tuesday is my day to call the doctor! Given myself the week of bleeding to see if it straightened out then. Didn't feel like i could do much when i was bleeding when i was meant to be, if you see what i mean!
Thanks again for your advice. I've been worrying myself silly about cancer and nasty stuff!
Best to speak to your GP about it though.