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I am 58 post menopausal now for nearly 2 years and I seem to have had all the symptoms going .Now I have noticed I am brusing very easily the slightest knock will do it especially on my legs and arms .Has anyone else experienced this please .Always something to stress about .
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gailannie wen_54374
Part of that aging thing.
wen_54374 gailannie
gailannie wen_54374
She just turned 60 and has been menopausal for several years. She's got that limp squishy fat on jher belly as well. Can't sleep well either. She's definately lacking estrogen.
wen_54374 gailannie
Thank you for that. I have terrible times not sleeping it's a nightmare still get hot sweats and flushes and have pit on lots of weight also .
gailannie wen_54374
wen_54374 gailannie
Can't say I have noticed to be honest lots of veins that's all
gailannie wen_54374
That's good. At least we can be thankful for small pleasures. It makes our hands look so old. 😡
wen_54374 gailannie
gailannie wen_54374
Wen, we all feel that way at times. But I also think it helps if we know why something happens. I did great at menopause, well if you totally leave out the constant chronic muscle and ligament pain. No one ever suggested that it could be from the lack of estrogen, so I did 4 years of that darn constant pain. Then got into vaginal atrophy and dryness, the next step for me on this lack of hormone thing, and was given vaginal Estrace. (Vaginal Atrophy and hot flases Doctors will treat.) With regular use, all my pain went away. That was more than a little bit of heaven. I had honestly never coorelated a lack of estrogen to muscle pain. But for me it was, and just an accident that I found out what was causing it. I have been doing some estrogen since and no more pain.
Having said that, no I'm not happy with the route I'm taking some estrogen, but boy it's a God send to not live with daily pain. So I'll keep looking and find a way to get it in without some of the things I don't like. Even a small amount helps. but when I tried to go completely off, the pain issue started again. Not gonna live like that.
You can google search the effect of estradiol on the skin. There's tons of research on this.
gema57497 wen_54374
Are you taking any medications ? Some medications such as heparin or aspirin and some other could cause it . I will also go and check blood counts with your doctor . JUst to be sure . I always had this problem but never diagnosed with anything bad . Hope this helps .
wen_54374 gema57497
I am on fluroxatine for depression that's all.feel absolutely fine just noticed it just lately.
wen_54374 gema57497
suz1964 wen_54374
Morning wen. Yes like you I've noticed that I've started to bruise very easy. I'm post menopause as had no periods now for 4years. Ive Also got fibromyalgia and they seem to mirror easy other so my body doesnt know whats going on. But only recently have I started the bruising! Take care
wen_54374 suz1964
wen_54374 suz1964
Thank you for your reply. It's good to hear someone else has noticed this. I think I am paranoid about every little thing these days if it not one thing it's another what a nightmare this menopause is .