bruxism (Jaw Clenching) and tinnitus (war ringing ) day 4 fluoxetine Please help!

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hi, everyone

new here.

I could really use some advice or words of encouragement .

I'm on day 4 of taking prozac, and I have had serious jaw clenching with ringing in one ear (so far). I Have read about these being rare side effects and my anxiety and OCD are really getting the better of me.

Has anyone else suffered from these side effects and have them go away? Everything I read online says that if this occurs it might be a good idea to switch already. This is my first and anti-depressant

I don't have depression but take it for OCD and anxiety. I don't want this to be permanent , which i read is a possibility. ugh.

thanks everyone in advance and I hope everyone is doing well

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I have they have both gotten better over time. The clenching remains but doesn't seem as bad. It's usually when I'm sleeping

    • Posted

      thank you very much for reassuring me some. It's so hard to know whether or not to persevere. I don't want to give up but I don't want the ringing to be permanent. glad to know yours went away.

  • Posted

    hi linds. nice to meet you. im on month 5 roughly of prozac. had all that feeling but dissipated weekly and no longer have it. it has taken me 5 months of anxiety, ocd and a new diagnosis of bpd traits to start thinking about being ready to go back to work. keep going. you are almost a week in. the early days were hard. felt much worse than when i started. now i dont even think when i take tablets. im on 40mg. this is from someone who was frightened and put off meds for years x

    • Posted

      thank you. Yes, the first days are rough. how long did it take for the ringing to go away? i think I'm going to give it 2 weeks and if its still there, maybe switch. I've been so scared of meds too! I'm glad you're feeling better!

  • Posted


    I am taking fluoxetine for OCD as well so I understand you very well here.

    I didnt have jaw clenching but I had the ear ringing exactly on the 4th day. It was my two ears and got me really anxious. But it went away after a day or two. I dont think it may last long. I am on day 21, of course I still have the side effects but some started to fade away. The first few weeks are hard, but try to hang on at least until 4 weeks. please do not let anxiety take over you as you know it strengthens your OCD.

    • Posted

      thank you so much! The ringing actually stopped for the most part but a couple times I have heard it faintly in one ear. The jaw thing continues though. Other side effects haven't come on so far other than a slight fogginess and more anxiety. Hoping it doesn't get much worse for me! I'm glad they have passed for you. OCD is a bully!

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