Bump on foreskin
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a little ovee a week ago i felt a bump on the foreskin of my penis. even though i know it isnt a pimple i still squeezed it but now it just feels sore. im a little worried because i have sex with men and even though i always use protection im a little worried it may be HIV. please help
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noah1836 anthony27726
Go to the doctors and let them look at you. Its most likly nothing to be concerned over. HIV woudn't show up within a week. And if it did you would have a horrible flu
anthony27726 noah1836
any guess as to what it may be? the flu symptoms came 2/3 weeks after my last 2 encounters. (i had sex with 2 different guys in one week). and the bump i noticed came in shortly after i got thr sore throat and fever
noah1836 anthony27726
I'm not a doctor unfortunately mate. Best go see one, and make sure you use protection from now on. Saves you this stress and headache. Take care
kenneth1955 anthony27726
My friend it does not matter who you have sex with. If you get anything on your penis you never try to pop anything.You don't know what it is and you can make it worse. When we see the picture we can see what it it. Just leave it alone
anthony27726 kenneth1955
noted. any idea what it may be Ken?
kenneth1955 anthony27726
Could be a pimple could be a vein that has not gone down. But looking at it I would go with a pimple
What you can try is put hot rags on it for a few days to bring it to a head. It needs to pop on it's own. When it does clean it out and it should go away in a few days.
Take care................Ken