Burning down below..

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Hiya im 38yrs old and im in the menopause.it will be 2yrs this dec since i had a period.the burning down below started last dec went to doc wasgiven the usual treatments for thrush and it just continued.had swabs done and they were all clear.i saw a dermotologist in march and had a biopsy done and it came back as non specific chronic inflamation.i was given daktacort but it done nothin.i saw another dermo in may and she suspected i had lichen scelerous and gaveme dermovate ointment i used that for over 2 months and still no relief.in between this my doc gave me different tablets thinkin it could be vulvodynia and nothin helped.i recently had another biopsy done by a gyno who thinks its all down to the menopause.ive been taking femoston for the last month and before i started that i was using vagifem.i have also used ovestin cream only on the outside areas.ive tried rosehip oil and vitamin e throughout these past months as well.im so sorry for the long post but im at my wits end.its a nightmare doin anythin i just want to get home and take my pance off. can anyone recommend anythin i can use i just want it to stop...thanks so much xx

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    hi im 46 i started this year with my symptoms but i think i was on and off for a few years befor, iv started having burni g down there from being so dry all the time i itch to. im looking for a solution just like you are its driving me mad to. i took vagifem for two days and it set me off bleweding so i stoped taking it well i think it was that so it put me off. i started usi g replens instead which im not sure if i need to keep using it on a regular basis to see if that works but at the moment im spoti g alot so i do t know wether to use it or wait till i stop spotting. im so dry my wall stick together, everytime i go to the loo i put some lubricant all round to help and iv started to drink soy milk iv only had this real bad dryness for a month thoe as i was going back and forth with it for months id be extreamly wet like gushi g to compleatly dry to sticky back to dry or wet then it decided that was it and stayed dry. its horrible and i feel sad for you as your still in your 30s i feel totaly fedup and my husbands fedup to as i just moan alltime.
  • Posted

    Catts think many women feel like you do ,here's one ,go have look at AV and BV ,another thing to watch out for is Bartholin glands ,that can happen to out of nowhere .im in a second round of the menopause symptoms for 9 years ,brought back for a revisit after an illness,which Im told is fairly common thing to happen .The first time it lasted 4/5 yrs ,then after those symptoms dropped away ,just leaving me with hot flushes ( mild ) so got on with it ,odd AV ,but then 6 yrs on  I got the meno symptoms all begin again ,plus AV that never wants to leave ,I've tried everything I can .ive been put on Ovestin 1 mg ,didn't help  but Im going to try that again .Ive tried the Ovules which Jaynee Jay suggested ,may even try those again to .

       I'm an older lady,but I know meno signs and the follow on Gyne issues ,nightmare all round ,far to many suffer .I see you've tried many remedies ,don't know what to suggest to you .

       I still think we should monitor our hormone levels ,there are hormone sticks you can buy .Think it's well worth having them in .

    • Posted

      im wondering what to take as of last week my dr said my estrogen was low but said everything else was ok so must be the esrogen that keeps you moist iv started drinking soy milk and i got some samples from a web site called vogal i bought some replens from boots and used some but as iv been bleeding on and off for a month now i dont know wether to use everyday or leave it till iv done bleeding at the moment my bleeding is just slight orange color when i wipe so i think il use one everyotherday it says they last three days but i used a few and they only lasted a day maybe i need to keep up with them. how long have you been going through the change? will i stay dry now for ever or will it just change form month to month? 
    • Posted

      Hi ,sorry I didn't answer back ,not on comp ,just saw this from you ,

         I've tried Replens ,no help ,go by the instructions ,I've tried Acti Gel ,that was a big no to .Ive been on the Vogel site as yourself .You can spend a fortune on different products ,what helps one ,don't help another ,

         Last night I started back on Ovestin ,my cousin my age is on it .We chat a lot on meno probs ,feel for you ,not having anyone close to you to ask ,I had an elderly aunt ,( mum had passed ) my aunt and my mum had bad meno ,so it's a gene thing what meno you can end up in ,my aunt says wise lady,it was her that told me about the Bartolin glands ,and not to worry if that happens ,yes that has happened to me ,painful swelling ,but they go .

         Period wise  well we're all different again. In how you finally get to where it stops for good,for many it goes brown ,than red .mine did .

         First meno was 4/5 years symptoms ,break of 6/7 yrs ,now it's been 9 yrs .

         Meno can go on ,we're all different time wise ,my aunts went on long time ,she like me had this below ,so she knew what I was describing ,plus the anxiety to .

          Try and get the ovules Jay suggests  they help her ,I've got them ,will PM you if you want that info .Not seen Jay on here of late ,she really had the info ,on menopause .Try and look at past threads on here  look her up ,and read her input ,your be surprised .

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