Burning headache/high blood pressure
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Hi ladies
This past few weeks I have been having burning headaches and high blood pressure spikes, mainly in the evening, in the morning my bp is ok, but late afternoon its start to rise. Im on meds i take in the morning, now i have to take more in the afternoon. I can't take medication for migraine as it spikes my bp because of the cafeine in the tablet.
I feel very stress because of this situation. Anyone going thru this please advice how you are coping. This perimenopause is so stressful.
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debra16694 Kadija1966
hi there - Can you describe what you mean by burning headache?
Kadija1966 debra16694
The headache feels like something is raw, like when you get a burn, its a different pain from normal headache
debra16694 Kadija1966
Hi - are you saying you get like a sparking/burning sensation just in your head? Maybe like nerve endings or blood vessels sparking? only reason i ask is, i get this sensation in my back & chest - never put it together that it was B/P related, because other women have complained of burning sensations on this forum, but i do have B/P issues that i take RX for - interesting - i am so confused as to what is causing all my endless issues -
Kadija1966 debra16694
Hi, thanks for the message, i take meds for my bp, however ive noticed a pattern a few days a month my bp spikes, especially in the evening, on a few occasions i had to go to my clinic for help. Doctors give me extra meds, once its settled im allowed to go home. The warning signs i get is headaches and anxiety. Im not sure why this happen, i kept a journal on my ipad of my symptoms since 2017 when I started perimenopause. And i can see the pattern. Honestly it is not getting better. My headache is worse. Migraine type, cant take meds for migraine as its not good for high blood pressure.
ellen20088 debra16694
those burning feelings such as headaches are BP related as well as hot flash related pay attention to your next hot flash . say for instance you will notice a weird feeling come over you in your chest and suddenly goes away and a hot flash comes thereafter its called electrical shock
ellen20088 Kadija1966
eat fresh ginger drink water with table spoon of apple cider vinegar and 1000 mg of Vitamin C per day
breathing exercise to calm down the anxiety
Kadija1966 ellen20088
Thanks for the advice, is it ok to take apple cider vinegar when on bp medication?
4withGod Kadija1966
May I ask how high your BP is? I started having strange sensations in my head with extreme fatigue and stomach issues. Feeling chills and blood pressure spiked to 164/98 on my machine. Went to Dr and bloid pressure was 130/98. He put me on a low dose of BP meds. Wasn't sure what was going on in my body.
4withGod ellen20088
I agree with the apple cider drink. I find that it helps me.