Burning , itching and barley any discharge. Also white bumps

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So i've been having this stinging or burning when i shower and pee. i went to the health department 2 weeks ago , they told me if could be Bacteria vaginosis and they gave me some antibiotics. They did not work. so I called and got my results they were negative. They told me to go to my Primary care care saying that it could be a uti. So i went and they gave me some medicine and im taking them now. i still feel a little irraited. Its starting to itch a little and the inside of my virgina has some white bumps on them looks like moles . Im so scared , do anybody know what this is ? i didnt discharge at all until today either i think thats the cuase of the itch. i took pictures because i wanted to see if it looked any different because i was feeling different ! the last picture is the 1st one i took




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14 Replies

  • Edited

    is that a yeast infection? it looks very thick. Did you get a full check up?

    • Posted

      i was 1st told that i had a BV. took meds for it didnt work , then went to anither doctor and they told me it could be a uti & gave me meds im taking those now. its starting to itch more than burn now thou.

    • Edited

      maybe if they do a blood test it will tell what it is. I would have thought it was a yeast infection because of its thickness. Sounds like they are just treating you for things they assume it might be and thats like treating you for nothing.

    • Posted

      they had me swab myself . im waiting on the 2nd doctor to call me back. im scared , it itchs more now. i also had some white stuff come out !im probably going to go to another doctor because idk what it is im just ready to get this feeling over with and found out what this is image

    • Edited

      Looks like a yeast infection. They can cause intense itching. You can get over the counter creams such as monistat to clear it up. That might be why the other meds you were given didn't cure it. Good luck

    • Edited

      i agree maybe thats just a bad case of yeast ive seen that on here before. have you ever heard of yoni balls? its a vaginal cleaner and ive seen this sort of thing come out of ppl after they use the yoni balls. They say its yeast. Ive never tried it but i do want too. I hope you have better luck with the next dr. kmp

    • Posted

      Hey did you found out what was the issue because I'm experiencing the same issue. The antibiotics didn't work for me either the problem came back in a week after the treatment ended. I hope you got your problem solve. I need your help what did the swab test detect and what did you get to get rid of the problem.

    • Posted

      A yeast infection can definitely come back. Also, you can get a yeast infection JUST from taking antibiotics. The anitbiotics strip your vagina of the good bacteria. They kill the bad bacteria, but unfortunately the good ones get killed as well. This can throw off your Ph balance and give you a bad yeast infection, & having sex, especially if your partner ejaculates in you, can make the infection worse. I would try the over the counter yeast infection medicine, because it sounds like all the doctors are just making guesses and not actually treating the problem, & actually making it worse by giving antibiotics if it IS just a yeast infection. Try to buy the 7 day treatment if possible, because this looks like a really severe case, & my doctor told me that sometimes the 3 day and 1 day treatments arent long enough to get rid of all of the infection, then it will come back in weeks to a month. Also, i would say to cut back on your sugar intake as this can also make a yeast infection worse, & get some yogurt to eat, as this helps replace the good bacteria that you need to keep your Ph balance down there and help w the infection. You can also eat yogurt regularly to cut back the chances that you get another yeast infection, & also a good idea to eat it if youre taking antibiotics ever, so that it replaces the good bacteria the medicine kills, to prevent another infection. Also, I wouldn't advise any sex until you have completely finished all the treatment and your symptoms are all gone. If nothing else, the sex can irritate your symptoms. I hope this works. These types of infections can be so horrible & painful.

  • Posted

    I had both before. I think it's yeast infection. BV supposed to be watery and smells a little fishy, with no itch. I had yeast infection because my partner cum inside of me. Really hard to get of it tho..

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