Burning legs, arms...sick feeling, depression

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All that is nothing new, but feel i need to vent 😦

I took my daughter to the mall yesterday for the first time in forever and told myself no matter how weird it dizzy I got, I was going to push thru. I stood for long periods of time and felt weird, unwell. At one point I felt the novicaine feeling in my face and numbness. Any time I do too much I end up with an unwell feeling, get really hot. So that all happened. But this am was the worst when I woke up to sweats, burning legs, arms and just sick feeling...watery eyes, swollen face. Then the morning anxiety and depression. It all makes me not want to get out of bed to do it all over again. I.m just living to deal with this illness, work and be there for my kids. I will never believe this is all hormones. But what kind of illness is so horrific in the mornings but by night I usually feel better and more like myself?? And causes this horrible change in my personality and who I am. This can't be my life forever or even for years 😭

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9 Replies

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    hey Lkl - i believe i have responded to you before, i have & continue to have all of your same symptoms on top of extreme achy legs & digestion issues. The burning body parts have been so intense for me that it landed me in the ER - since no one can tell me what is causing it & i have been to all kinds of drs, i have chalked it up to hormones which has greatly affected my nervous system. . You however are the first person who also is suffering from watery eyes. Most women on this forum complain of dry eye. Any chance you also have ocular rosacea & or Blepharitis? rosacea & ocular rosacea came on during menopause & so did blepharitis - my eyes water a lot, are bloodshot but not itchy -i am so over looking like something the cat dragged in - hah! As for the burning, i try not to give it too much thought & it seems to dissipate during the day - i hope you feel better, i just have decided, i am not going to let this hormone thing rule my life - i am trying to make myself a priority, if i feel yucky, i give myself a break, on days i feel good, i try to get stuff done - & i no longer feel guilty for being good to myself - i do know that if i dont eat healthy & eat too much sugar, carbs or processed foods i feel really not good - hydration is key too - try & take a really goid stress B VITAMIN & OMEGA it helps the nervous system -

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      Dear debri

      I suffer with the watery eyes and dry eyes, i think that they water to compensate for being dry, or so i was told! I can go through periods of no dry or watery eyes and then get it all again, i find it is worse in winter when we have the heating on. I take dry eye drops which helps with both

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      I don't have the rosacea. my eyes get watery and red, but no itching either. yes the burning for me is sporadic. i find I get mostly on days I am more active or mornings after I have been active. if it were only the burning and watery eyes, but it's more so how i feel that keeps me from not living life, I can't explain it. after I got really sick with all these symptoms it's like my body changed...especially core body temp...and I am constantly uncomfortable and having these nerve sensations and feeling like crap. and the worse I feel, the hotter I get. even my hormone Dr believes that it's more than just hormones, but after seeing a million Drs with little to no answers, I've been deemed pretty much a medical mystery and just have pills thrown my way. it all really sucks 😦 maybe time will reveal what all is going on with my body if I can stick it out long enough. maybe one day i will feel normal again? sigh.

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      yes, LKL my whole body temperature is forever changed. i have suffered horribly from night sweats and a burning inferno feeling that overtakes my body. i have zero tolerance for heat or sun now - if i sit out in the sun i feel sick afterwards & unless the air conditioning is blasting in the car, i am dying. i dont even sleep with covers on and i live in California near the beach where the weather is fairly mild in the summer - this menopause has rocked my world & when i do get overheated, it just starts the uncontrollable heat wave -

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    I feel for you and how you feel, I am post menopause by four years and i remember the morning anxiety and it was worse in the winter months mornings. Yes i found as the day went on, the anxiety lifted. Some mornings i would just not want to get out of bed, i lost weight with digestive issues and this in turn, kicked off more health anxiety. I would wake (and still do sometimes) with dry heavy eyes which would water too. Drop in a few migraine auras and my health anxiety would be off again! The loss of appetite and nausea was another bad symptoms of the menopause!

    Four years in i am alot better, i still do get the odd anxiety, general and health! But the dark days of what i use to feel are hopefully in the past!

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      I had my ovaries out due to family history so it was sudden stop with periods and the health anxiety and panic kicked in six months down the line. I didnt take anything apart from multi vits tailored for over fifties and swim when i can, which helped! It has been gradual in feeling somewhere normal again

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    Hi there, I read your post and I can relate to a lot of it. I am still like yourself trying to really believe that all this can be hormonal as I have so many random symptoms that show up out of no where, and when you google them you feel completely doomed because they give you a terrible prognosis. At age 41 to 43 I spent most of my time sitting in doctors offices or sitting waiting to get countless testing done, or laying in emergency thinking is this it?! Nothing ever stood out on any testing I have had to determine the cause. So I started to keep a diary and anytime I would have burning, numbing, pains, cramping, stabbing pains and bloating, chest pains, stomach pains. By doing the diary I started to see a pattern, and it seemed that close to ovulation or days leading up to my period to days after is when these issues would come to surface. Hormone fluctuation was bring on a lot of these unwanted feelings. Now I would sit and wonder why did I never feel this years ago and all I can come up with is, we have less of everything, less hormones, less, vitamins, as once we get to our forties we don't store the vitamins the same. Things our slowing down, our digestion, our livers, and gallbladders are not as spry.......we also have become more sensitive, I know I sure have, to smells, noises, emotions, which leads to anxiety. Do you find when you don't have any demand on you, you feel better?, but when like in this case you had to go out to a shopping mall (sensory overload) your body goes into flight or fight mode.Yes, this happens to me. Certain times of the months I can do anything and go anywhere without a care in the world, but other times, going into a store to buy a roll of toilet paper sets me feeling like I have no feeling in my legs and I feel like I am going to pass out or want to throw up. I would suggest to keep track of the symptoms and your cycle, and also what you are doing when these symtoms come on. I know also if I am under a lot of stress, if I have a lot of demands at one time, or holiday seasons, I feel everything magnify. I have to then remind myself that this is my bodies way of saying I need a break and it's okay.Hang in there, women have gone through this for years and generations before us. The ones that seem to sail through are either medicated on antidepressants, or drink a lot, or on hormone therapy none of which I am open too.

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    I know it's awful... Today I had a big outing which I feel ok now but tomorrow I will be in the pit.. I have no idea why my body takes so long to recover.. I just took magnesium, turmeric and thinking about a valerian root too so I don't feel horrible tomorrow.. Wish I had some advice..

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