Burning pain starts after urinating (urinating soothes it)

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Can you help me please - Ive had a burning pain in my Urinary tract for a couple of weeks, Its not a pain during urinating (in face that is quite soothing ) the stinging / burning pain starts a couple of minutes AFTER and lasts anything between 15 mins and until my next pee. The doctor put me on a course of 14 Trimethoprim 200mg for 7 days, that is now finished with absolutely no improvement!  Its not an STD as ive been totally celibate for over a year, the pain is stopping me sleeping, Oh yes I have an occasional  non painful tingling sensation in my balls which started around the same time. please help.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Did you send off a sample to hospital? Mine turned out to be evoli so I am now waiting to be admitted for IV treatment. I have tried two courses of the only antibiotics they said may help, but they didnt. You need to know what the infection is, for it to be properly diagnosed in the lab
    • Posted

      Thanks for that Sandy, the Doc did not do a test - but I will ask him to as I ve made an appointment for Monday
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      Yes, do insist though, its not fair having to put up with and not all doctors know what the right antibiotics are. I saw a crap one the second time I went who gave me totally the wrong antibiotic, even though I told her that two others gps had already said that one would do nothing whatsoever to help! Eventually, after I pestered the receptionists to speak to another doc she said it was the wrong one and to try the one I had already tried two weeks before. Aain,  i told her that two other gps (well established partners) had already informed me that any iral antibiotics were unlikely to work with ecoli and that if they hadnt worked the first time, they wouldnt work at all and. I would need to be admitted for IV treatment. She said they will wirk this time! I knew they wouldnt and have been in agony but have not been to a and e as I didnt want to be admitted just on christmas! I knew they woukdnt work and she should have to! She could have got this sorted two weeks before christmas, so. I would have been in for 5 -7 days but at least it may have cleared by now. Christmas eve I was almost going to a and e so I just drank as much water as possible and took more painkillers. I am so angry at her after. I had already been told they wouldnt work! She just didnt like me telling her what the other docs had said! So she really could have ruined christmas for my children!
    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that Sandy, It has ruined my Xmas also, Could you let me know what antibiotics they gave you as I am going back on monday,  
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      Hi I think they were nitrofurantoin. I was told these were the only ones that would work if any, but they didnt anyway, so waiting for hospital admission. Gp did say this particular infection is very difficult to treat. I hope you get this sorted, as doloroso says, ask about prostrate too. Good luck
    • Posted

      Hi Sandy, For the past 24 hours I’ve been having fresh Cranbury smoothies, + drinking Cranbury juice and started Cranbury supplements with a deal of success although the infection is still there it has markedly reduced the sting pain after urinating, (I had a prostate test a few days before the infection and its fine) Thanks
    • Posted

      Hi Stephen well I am glad you have had some relief at least! Cranberry is supposed to be good. I am just drinking lots of water which seems to be helping a little. I have had very little alcohol over christmas too as I think that may not help. Good luck I hope things get sorted x
  • Posted

    Hi Stephen,

    I don't know how old you are but men after the age of 50 start having problems with their prostate. Has your doctor had your PSA levels checked (blood tests)? As you're male that's the only thing I can think of. Good luck.

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