Burning sensation
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I’m new to this, but going out of my mind with worry. I started weeks ago with acid reflux so the DR advised. Since then I’ve not been feeling great at all. I kept feeling something inflaming under my left rib, the DR examined said couldn’t feel anything.
I’m 50 years of age and have had heavy periods for a few years with menstruale cramps and just accepted it.
Over the last couple of weeks my last period was a couple of days late and shorter. I woke in the night with the worst hot n cold sweating I’ve ever had the sheets were soaking, I’ve had similar since but not as severe.
My bones in my body in particular mr Lower back, spine and hands just feel like they’re burning. And i feel sick on a lot of occasions.
I’ve been to A&E about 3/4 times were they have taken bloods and done X-rays and I’ve had a ct scan where they say All is normal apart from being anemic which I’m on iron tablets.
I keep hearing Perimenopause? Is anyone else having similar symptoms as I’m really worried there is a serious health condition and nobody is getting to the bottom of it.
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karen65574 kerry20523
kerry20523 karen65574
I just keep thinking surely the perimenopause can’t do this to you? The burning starts in the lower bottom back and hips and moves everywhere, up the spine down to my feet. I’ve had bloods and they say calcium level is normal. Ive had a chest X-ray and they said bones look normal along with a ct scan and they said all ok there. I just need some answers so I can deal with it, it’s like nobody is taking it seriously that a few weeks ago my body turned upside down starting with acid reflux. I’ve even had cameras both ends to look at gastric problems and that was normal.
It’s the not knowing and thinking it’s something life threatening which is the worst. I have an appointment with a private hospital his week to look at getting to the bottom of it.
Sorry for the rant, I’m really worried and stressed about it all, I’m not used to feeling so unwell and not knowing why
shannonmairs7 kerry20523
kerry20523 shannonmairs7
Yes it’s really scary, like something taken over you. I just didn’t expect to have my whole body burning to my bones, it’s not easy at all.
Just happens all of a sudden and doesn’t go, hopfully I can get some answers from the DR this week, upto now they have all been useless and just fobbed me off as If im exaggerating.
You know when your body isn’t right and the pain I feel in my bones is awful,
Thanks for replying
maddysmom2015 kerry20523
Hi Kerry,
I had/have this symptom. And it started early in peri. Mine may not be like yours, but I thought I would share my information. My burning sensation comes from multiple food intolerances that gave me a rectal ulcer. My first symptom for years was just feeling like I was on fire from the inside out and vitamin/mineral malabsorption. No one put it together.
When I started bleeding from the rectum 3 years later, no one really was curious. "It's just piles." And they sent me home.
I lost twenty pounds from the nausea. In typical patriarchal fashion they said, "aren't you lucky! Losing weight without trying!"
Finally a female proctologist got curious enough to look there, saw the weeping, burning sores and said, "skin and guts are completely interrelated. No wonder you feel like you are burning."
My symptoms, if caught early, could have been managed with a probiotic and dietary changes. Now I have a bleeding ulcer in my bottom for life.
I have it managed really well normally with meds. But today I ate something I should not have (adult tantrum after a long week of work!) and I am on fire again.
Have you noticed the skin burning comes with/after certain foods? Gluten, dairy, are major culprits. But I will get burning from NSAID pain relievers and any food that mimics aspirin (raspberries, tomatoes etc.)
Your symptoms may be completely unrelated to diet. But after the way I suffered with no answers and no one really caring, I thought I might share.
Love you! XXOO
kerry20523 maddysmom2015
Thank You for sharing, at first when I was advised I had acid reflux, I cut out everything fatty and acidic which helped a little. I take acid tablets everyday can though I’m not sure that’s what I have.
The burning sensation stated when I was on my period which started a couple of days late, I was also very stressed and worried as I had been told there was something showing on my boob from a scan (luckily it was a cyst) i was waking in the night hot n cold and pouring with sweat.
It’s like my body had changed completely and having different symptoms every few days.
I hope I get answers soon