Burning sensation in chest

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hope you lovely ladies can help. I've been going through this journey several years now. Do any of you ladies suffer burning sensation in your chest with pins and needles going down your arms? 

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  • Posted

    I had that at one point. Now it’s in my feet and legs. 
  • Posted

    Hi Gill - Funny you should post this...I have dealt with tingling extremities for the past 3 years, but a month ago, I woke up with crazy burning calves which lasted for about two weeks.  Then  about 4 nights ago, I woke up at 1:00 in the morning with a crazy burning upper back that radiated to my chest.  I was convinced that I was having some sort of heart issue which landed me in the ER @ 3:00 in the morning.   Nothing wrong with my heart, thank god! Then today around 5:00 am in the morning I woke up to again burning back, shoulders, down my spine, left breast, upper part of my chest into my neck.  I feel extremely anxious, nauseas  & stressed.  I am going to my GP today - I doubt I will get any answers, but so sick of experiencing symptom after symptom - you are not alone - 

    • Posted

      Hi Debra. Aww bless ye! It's horrendous isn't it. I also get it in my feet and hands. Like you it frightens the living daylight out of me. Mine seems to be at its worst just after getting up. It really felt like my chest was on fire 🔥 😡 Iam also on hrt but not convinced it is doing any good. Please let me know how you get on at the doctors. xx

    • Posted

      Hi Gill - can I ask how old you are & are you in post menopause? I am 61 and have been really going thru symptoms for past 3 years, but the burning is new - I had the insomnia & flooding with headaches in peri, but this post menopausal stuff is a doozy - I also felt short of breath this morning, but I am sure this is the ramped up anxiety causing this - what HRT are you on? Bio or synthetic? Was actually thinking of trying something out, but if you are still experiencing symptoms on it then what’s the point @ this juncture - UGH! 🙏 🙏🙏

    • Posted

      I'm 52 started peri about 6 years ago. Migraines, heavy periods, anxiety, not sleeping anger mood swings basically everything on the list. I'm on evorel conti 75 and sandrenna gel. I've been seeing a menopause clinic who have been really good. Obviously nothing seems to work for me. 😞 xx

    • Posted

      Gill - ok, thank you for that, I am sure my Dr will just say here...take an antidepressant & anti anxiety pill & be done with it - trying to not do any of that, but not sure how much longer I can battle these symptoms, providing something else isn’t causing it - 

    • Posted

      I was offered anti depressants but turned them down I really don't want to get on them. Every time I get a new ailment I always fear the worse. It feels like there is no ending to these symptoms. 😔xx

    • Posted

      Hi Gill - just got back from my GP & she is really perplexed as to why I am experiencing these burning/flushing episodes.  She just wants to rule out obvious causes & since I have had CT scans of heart & upper quadrant area which checked out she was thinking it could be a pinched nerve (doubt it) When I went to ER, the ER dr suggested I might check into Getting a test for Carcinoid Syndrome, so my GP ordered a 24 hr urine test for that (god, I hope I don’t have that!!) in my heart of hearts, I know this is caused by hormones & anxiety, but drs don’t seem to get that - fingers crossed it’s not something else 🤞

    • Posted

      Hi Debra. Aww fingers crossed that it isn't. Bloody menopause!! I would rather have my periods back than go through this. Hope all goes well please keep in touch. xx

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