Burning Sensations get worse with what you eat?
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Hello Ladies,
Does anybody get these feelings? It's almost daily with me as well. If you ladies eat something like salt or potatoe chips or sugar do your burning sensations get worse? These feelings are horrible!!!!
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theresa53424 Shana_P
Absolutely, we can't even enjoy the foods we once liked. Anything with sugar and sodium throws my hormones into a tail spin. Awful!
sabab172 Shana_P
Do yo have a burning pinching sensation that moves around your gut? This is something I have quite often now My doctor has said I now have IBS which may have started because of the menopause to add to all the other symptoms... what deep joy!
CarolKelso Shana_P
yes i got this quite a lot but it does go with time....its a very strange feeling.....this is yet another symptom...CK
debra16694 Shana_P
HI shana - That is so weird that you brought this up because i was just realizing that i had not felt the burning sensation for a bit, then, after Thanksgiving dinner i had a bad episode...i had wine & pumpkin pie that night, so it probably was the sugar - weird! i am now going to keep track of what i eat & if i have the burning sensation...so that would mean that this is all tied into the metabolic system - hmmm!
may69987 Shana_P
i love sweet and every time i eat choclate or something upset my stomack my body goes in fire my shines start burning and it is happening now since i ate choclate i cant stand it
Kazjo Shana_P
Hey Shana,
Do you mean burning sensation in your mouth/tongue? I'm 54 and post meno. I started with burning mouth around the age of 47 so it has lasted, so far, about 7 years. I still have it today but it lessened after menopause. I went to doctors and dentists to see what it was and NOT ONE OF THEM (even the females) attributed it to menopause, which I now believe it has been a symptom/side effect of menopause.
Yes, it has lasted all these years and for many years it was almost unbearable but it has subsided a bit since I went through meno. I just had to live with it even though it hurt every single day. Some foods are worse than others, but I find sugar particularly uncomfortable, making my mouth hot and dry. Like, I have to brush my teeth right after having anything sweet or I'll just hurt. I also switched to Nature's Gate toothpaste (amazon, whole foods, some other stores carry it) and OTC toothpastes absolutely kill me and make everything worse. Sensodyne can be ok for me once in a while as well. Best of luck. I hope yours does not last as long as mine. And I hope it helps to know that this must be a meno thing.