Burning Skin
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I posted a few weeks ago about burning skin and I'm.still having this issue. I even wake up with it. It's driving me nuts.. does anyone know what is causing this, what hormone or may be a deficiency in something? I read that deficiency in vitamin b12 can cause it but I know I don't have that just had it checked last month. Then I read that a deficiency in b6 can do also. When I eat certain things it will also trigger it but then again I don't have to eat anything..it just comes out the blue . I woke up with legs burning this morning and has been burning for hours now.
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pamela2016 mary27278
i had this symptom in the early stage of perimenopause it was horrible it lasted all day for months head to toe. its horrible feels like a bad sunburn im not sure what hormone causes it, i still get it occasionally but nothing like when it first started. hang in there it will subside just dont know when i did keep a wet cloth and wipe myself down alot it helps temporarily.
debra16694 mary27278
hi Mary - well, funny you should post this today, i am 7 years post, & for the last 1 1/2 years, have been plagued with the burning skin, i primarily get it on the front of my shins, my upper back, neck, chest & some times my forearms. it appears to come on at night & on particularly bad nights (and not every night) i get this eruption of heat that goes all the way up to my head. i am not sure if this is a really bad "hot flash" or? in peri, i always experienced the hot sweats, but this involves not sweating just extreme heat. The burning skin really feels like an intense sunburn & i always ask my husband to feel my back for heat & he says it feels normal - so internal - i am frankly at my wits end - i am 62, i am not on anything hrt wise, i do have high b/p which i take an Rx for - yesterday, i was at lunch & out of the blue, my body temperature skyrocketed & the burning was intense - extreme hot flash? i just dont know anymore - after that episode, i was spent - when is this going to end? no one i know deals with this much daily suffering - ugh!!!
pamela2016 debra16694
i have that kind of hot flash never no sweating internal intense heat last hours on end, even without the burning skin this is the type of hot flashes i have. feels like im in a boiler so intense and that brings on anxiety cause i cant escape the heat its horrible im not post yet wish all this was over
Guest mary27278
I believe these are hot flashes without the sweating. I had burning skin for a few years, now that I'm missing periods for months at a time I am finally experiencing traditional hot flashes with a little sweating, and bad symptoms come with them too
debra16694 mary27278
hi ladies - thanks for the re-assurance, i guess there is comfort knowing we are not alone & others have experienced it - at least i know i am not crazy! Every dr i explain this to thinks I am!!! i suppose during these really trying times, we just have to let our bodies go thru the process & be kind to ourselves - i have not found a solution to this, but just smother myself in cold washcloths & when i remember, put a tube of aloe vera gel in the refrigerator to smooth on skin - good luck ladies!
shylee mary27278
Hi Mary
i experience extreme burning skin over the left side of my face and my head and left arm and foot. it isn't hot flashes but it is brought on by the hormones it seems as mine started several yrs ago at the start of peri and increased over time. i also got burning mouth syndrome. i got the mega whamie of symptoms and have been on HRT for over a yr that did help with the hot flashes the mega anxiety and the mega bladder pain and uti like symptoms. but it did not stop the burning skin or mouth i was eventually given carbamazepine an anticonvulsant medication used for epilepsy.... i dont have epilepsy but the medication stopped the burning only in the height of hormone fluctuations does it break through a bit as i cant up the dose. carbamazepine interferes with the effectiveness of HRT and i cant up the HRT because it causes mega migraines in me that feels like im going to have a stroke. perhaps speak with your dr about this if the burning persists and is relentless. good luck you are certainly not alone
shylee mary27278
Hi Mary
i experience extreme burning skin over the left side of my face and my head and left arm and foot. it isn't hot flashes but it is brought on by the hormones it seems as mine started several yrs ago at the start of peri and increased over time. i also got burning mouth syndrome. i got the mega whamie of symptoms and have been on HRT for over a yr that did help with the hot flashes the mega anxiety and the mega bladder pain and uti like symptoms. but it did not stop the burning skin or mouth i was eventually given carbamazepine an anticonvulsant medication used for epilepsy.... i dont have epilepsy but the medication stopped the burning only in the height of hormone fluctuations does it break through a bit as i cant up the dose. carbamazepine interferes with the effectiveness of HRT and i cant up the HRT because it causes mega migraines in me that feels like im going to have a stroke. perhaps speak with your dr about this if the burning persists and is relentless. good luck you are certainly not alone
tamsin00119 shylee
Hi Shylee
May I ask the dosage of your carbamazepine?
debra16694 mary27278
Wow! last night i just had an inferno happening in my back, the worst episode thus far - ok, this is starting to really freak me out - can it it be something else aside from plunging hormones - i have been experiencing this for the last 5 days but off & on for the last year 1/2 - & if memory serves me correctly this would have been when my cycle was, but this is crazy nuts! please god tell me this is the last hurrah - not sure how much more i can take of this - ugh!
mary27278 debra16694
Debra I know what you mean. Ive been having the burning for days now ..well actually weeks. But it had stopped and returned. Right now it's on my left side of abdomen and legs and feet. I have an appt tomorrow and i will be sure to mention it. I know this is around what would have been my period. My daughter has hers and we were always on around the same time. If it's hormonal, why the burning? what hormone is causing it? Im seeing an intergrative Dr tomorrow and hopefully will check hormones level and whatever else....it drives me to tears ...hang in there. Are you still having periods?