burning tongue
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Has anyone noticed the feeling of a sore or burning tongue? I read that this can be due to fluctuating hormones. I am in my late 40s and definitely have peri type symptoms but I still get period each month. I started getting this on and off. Didn't think much about it because I barely noticed it as it would go away. For the past three days it has stayed! Even have it when I wake up. My period is due any day now. Also have migraine. Hoping this goes away once period comes! So annoying.
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Kadija1966 Carolyn09280
Its definitely a perimenopause symptoms, ive had it many timez during my perimenopause journey. I had also lump in the throat sensation and the migraines as well as burning scalp. Honestly this perimenopause is horrible.
joan51008 Kadija1966
I have suffered from burning mouth syndrome for 2.5 years. It is with me 24/7 and it started when I was 47 . I am perimenopausal and it seems the burning mouth started just when my periods became erratic. This is really an odd symptom. I would so much like to have confirmed as a perimenopause symptom, however acc to neuro it is linked to small fiber neuropathy and nothing to do with hormones. 😦 Not sure I believe this.....
dale23303 joan51008
hi Joan
I think the burning mouth syndrome is definitely hormonal. I have dry mouth and I have had burning mouth syndrome for a year now along with some other nerve related problems in my body which I believe are also due to a hormone deficiency. No neurologist is ever going to diagnose something as hormonal because they just stay in the lane of their specialty.
do you have small fiber neuropathy anywhere else in your body? Because 99% of the time it starts in your feet. Not your mouth. I have seen so many doctors in the last two years and honestly only one even suggested that my problems could be hormonal. Not saying they weren’t very good at what they do, but apparently hormones is the very last thing that they consider which is odd because it impacts virtually everything in our bodies!
joan51008 Carolyn09280
Hi Carolyn - I replied Kadija instead of you - sorry! 😃
AliAnn Carolyn09280
Hi there. I am experiencing the same thing my tongue is very raw and burning i also have very dry mouth. I just started the patch my gyno said that he has never heard of it, but after researching it, it seems fairly common. I don't know what to do about it though
dale23303 AliAnn
Hi- I am curious if being on the hormones has had any impact on your burning mouth problem. I just started hormone pellets about three weeks ago and I can’t say it’s helping at all, though I know it can take months for your body to adjust. I have been dealing with burning mouth for over a year and it is just the worst!
Trisha111 Carolyn09280
OMG this is the worst! I am 49, and had no warning of any of this "Perimenapause" stuff. I thought I was just looking forward to hot flashes which I could handle. I first experienced this Burning Mouth Syndrome maybe 2 months ago and have had it on and off since. It is a very odd feeling and affects my taste buds and how I eat. I also get my periods still and have had this last a few days as well.
I wish I had some advice but this is all new to me! Would love to hear from anyone who may have any advice on this!
april71774 Carolyn09280
I have candida which is really common going through perimenopause. It’s also called oral thrush which can leave a cottony feel in your mouth. Very common. And I’ve had the burning tongue syndrome forever as well. Amazing what hormones do.
clio51 Carolyn09280
yep i have this started peri and some 7/8 years later still here. it seems worse when im more anxious/on edge . it as now affected my gums, like there swollen (but there not iyswim)
i also now developed my teeth aching/tighening with anxiety truly horrible
i thought once periods stopped after 2 years
that was it no more symptoms!!
mine list is getting longer as the time goes on
worse part of my life this post menopause
dale23303 clio51
I can relate! All my worst symptoms started 7 years after my periods ended and they have continued to get worse the last 2 years (I am 60 now) including Burning Mouth which i have now had for a year . I have seen 5 different doctors trying to get relief. I also have nerve problems all ovwr my body (pins an needles) so I think it is all related. I have just started BHRT plus a new thyroid med and am
praying for some relief. I believe BMS is definitely related to hormones because the majority of people who get it are women between 45-65 though most doctors are
dale23303 Carolyn09280
Has anybody with burning mouth gotten any relief by using hormone replacement therapy?