Burning Tummy...

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Hello all just wonder if any of you ever experience a burning feeling in the upper tummy?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi donna

    How high do you mean when you say upper tummy? Digestive problems are common in menopause. I did have pain earlier in the year and had an endoscopy and all checked out fine. Sincee then the pain has gone, I think mine was stress related.

    • Posted

      Hello middlemuddle the burning is in my tummy just below my breast. It seems to mainly be o n the left side.
  • Posted

    Can you link it to anything, better after eating or worse etc. You could try an OTC antacid to see if that eases it but only use this as a short term measure before consulting your GP.
    • Posted

      Like you slightly to the left but I think a bit lower, below rib height. I tend to get IBS as well and had that going on too so it was not always easy to pinpoint. When GP put me on PPIs I started to get a real acid burn after 20 hours and that was higher up. My IBS has really calmed down (proabably helped by not eating any bread and not stressing about stomach cancer) but I still get acid reflux whilst I sleep, burnt feeling in the mouth and yucky taste.
    • Posted

      I have it to the left as well. I worry about every little pain I get but at the same time I have been dealing with a very stressful situation. Thanks for the information smile

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