Burning up, but low temperature
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Hi ladies! is your face ever on fire, yet your temp is below normal...like 96 degrees? or 35 celsius for my uk friends...this is me right now...cold hands, face on fire. I guess my temp gauge is faulty today.
I have been checked 3x over for lyme disease, thyroid, you name it. I am ovulating right now too...got hit with stop and drop fatigue last night and woke up achey. Sweats last couple of nights.
Between my fatigue and migraine vestibular problems, med for migraine, eating and gaining nothing with next to zero activity level, and 1000 other issues, my mind wanders...I do not know which way is up with all these symptoms! But, my periods are irregular and I charted last month exactly 5 days after my last period, the same crap happened.
How can one feel horrible every miserable day! I say waving my white flag of surrender.
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ok ladies, I just found this info...you learn something new every day...
Your body temperature naturally changes a tiny bit throughout your menstrual cycle. It’s lower in the first part of your cycle, and then rises when you ovulate. For most people, 96-98 degrees Fahrenheit is their typical temperature before ovulation. After you ovulate, it goes up to 97-99°F.
evi75119 Guest
Hello Lou,
how do you feel when you are ovulating?
in my case every month after or during my ovulation time, I feel generally like having the flu ... achey, chilling, cold hands but at the same time feverish but not fever according to my thermometer. Do you feel like this?
Another but not active member of the forum had made the hypothesis to one of her posts that maybe it is our prostaglandins giving these kind of symptoms.
When I feel like this I am taking paracetamol and it seems helping me.
Guest evi75119
Hi Evi, A couple of days prior, I am mildly in the mood for sex. I am tired and dizzy all the time anyways, BUT... I get what I call "stop & drop" fatigue...that was yesterday evening. my husband was talking to me and I shut down with fatigue...too tired to even talk...feels like I might actually die ..which kicks my dizzies up full throttle. Sweats all last night. Got zapped awake by my left ovary pain this morning...aches and body pains, hot face, fluish, but 96 degree temp. Went to pee and sure enough, the sticky ovulation goo. I just as soon as stop my period and it starts. ugh! So over all this. I take nortripyline for migraine...but this has all happened before...so I will only partially blame the med.
Guest evi75119
wondering if I should give the mini pill another chance...I believe I can take that even with my migraines. that is the fake progesterone only. Oh yeah! I cried this morning because I found pajamas my hubbie was hiding for christmas, they are hot and itchy, so I told him to bring them back. Anybody reading this...do not buy your peri meno/meno loved one, hot itchy pajamas! I get very emotional around ovulation.
evi75119 Guest
I feel exactly the same symptoms as those you mentioned above!
In my case I believe that I am not deficient in progesterone but in estradiol!
Since I have regular menses every 28-30 days and I am ovulating, this means that I have adequate progesterone levels. Despite that I know that my fsh is high and my estradiol is low which means that my body is trying hard for this and that's why I am experiencing so many awful symptoms.
I remember all of my life having severe PMDD ( premenstrual dysphoria) and severe depression on my period when our estradiol is at the lowest level, so I have made the hypothesis that the fluctuations of my hormones are too abrupt and sudden in my body.
andrea05399 Guest
I had the blistering hot face thing for nearly a year. nearly every day. awful time for me. My Face would really feel like it was burning from the inside and couldn’t believe when I looked in the mirror that it looked normal. no other body part hot and it would last for 4-5 hours. Always preceded a very bad migraine. thought it was part of meno and gyne said nope! went to neuro who confirmed hot face can be part of migraine aura. havent had hot face in maybe a year and a half? i also have other migraine aura (brief dizzy spells that feel like a mini seizure-do you have that ever? ) for 20+ years that scare me. i have a few cavernous angiomas that bled in my twenties as the likely culprit for the migraines.
Guest andrea05399
Hi Andrea, I am currently being treated for vestibular migraine, also called migraine associated vertigo. I have been off balanced, drunk like for over a year. This all hit after I went off birth control pills 1.5 years ago at 40. I periodically had migraines and certain smells and foods would set me off in my 20-30s. since peri I can get anywhere from 3-10 attacks per month...plus the recovery days.I have to undergo balance testing soon to rule out inner ear nerve damage.
I saw an otoneuro and he thinks that we on on the right path. Also said hormone changes can trigger this condition... Supposedly can get better post meno. I am 41, so it could be awhile for me. Currently on 20mg notriptyline. Also, following an elimination diet.
Migraines are awful and scary...I have never had seizure like experience...but, during one attack, my eye socket and cheek went numb. Then, my eye twitched for 2 days after. Also, I slur my words and get horrible fatigue. Just so worn down! How do you control migraines?
andrea05399 Guest
Quite honestly I don’t really control them. I have them maybe 3 to 4 times a month now. I try to prevent them by eating on time and drinking lots of water. I have to attend a lot of my kids volleyball tournaments which are extremely loud so I have to wear earplugs because that will set one off too. I cannot drink alcohol. minimal coffee and chocolate. when I have one I take two ibuprofen and try to get home as soon as I can to lay down in bed. especially since I usually can’t see out of my left eye during. by morning I will usually feel better but I will have a migraine hangover (post drome)for a few days where im like a zombie. in addition to peri, I also now have cervical stenosis in 3 vertebrae which contributes as well. surgery is probably in my future for that. im 47. falling apart over here! 😉
I try my hardest to not let my three kids know that I even have a headache because I don’t want them to worry. even though I’m sad to read about your suffering I’m glad I’m not the only one. It can be a lonely thing suffering with migraines.
Guest andrea05399
Hi andrea, me too with falling apart...neck problems...arthritis and lower spine issues. I have 2 kids...one plays sports and I cannot always make the games, etc...between the migraines, walking like a drunk ...and hiding behind huge sunglasses and hats...I am hardly a social butterfly these days! I would cry...but it makes them worse! Nice chatting! Take good care 😃
audra86673 andrea05399
Hi Andrea. My now 20 yr old daughter played club volleyball for years. I recall her first season in 13's. I had never experienced anything so loud, cold and monotonous ever before! She played for 6 yrs and I never got use to those long tournaments stuck inside convention centers with no windows, air conditioning on full blast and the early court times that played out into an all day cooped up inside, listening to a million volleyballs bounces and ref whistles! I know the season has just begun- good luck to your daughters team and good luck to you getting through it with migraines. I am newly in meno now and do not suffer migraines anymore - only an occasional headache (knock on wood). I got my first migraine when I was 31 and had them each month until I hit menopause a little over a year ago ( I'm 50). I went to the dr in my early 30's for them and was given a prescription, but they just made me feel queasy and off balance, so I had to stop taking them. Tylenol didn't make a dent in my migraine pain and I wasn't able to take Advil as it would hurt my stomach. My mom always took BC Powder for her headaches and migraines, so I gave it a try. It was life changing for me! That stuff worked like magic for me! It only takes about 10 minutes to start working and the pain relief was complete for me. I'd get a pleasant warm sensation that would come over me and I'd realize it was my muscles relaxing from the pain and I'd just be so freaking happy and relaxed that I wasn't hurting so much! The BC Powder is an over the counter product and can be bought at any drugstore or grocery store. It comes in a powder form. If you decide to try it, don't try to swallow it with anything carbonated as it will cause a fizzy reaction in your mouth( kinda like putting a Mento in diet Coke). Also, I've been buying them for years and they changed the dosing a couple years ago. The new dosing is 1 powder every 6-8 hrs , but the old dosing was every 3-4 hrs. When they made the dosing changes, I still had an old box of them in my cabinet and looked and all the ingredients and amounts were the exact same. So, while the new dosing says take it every 6-8 hrs, it is perfectly fine to take it every 3-4 if you need it. I am very sensitive to meds and do not like to take any more than I have to and taking them every 3-4 hrs has not caused me any issues. Take care.
ampat1 Guest
hi Lou yes I felt this a few times, almost felt like I was burning up with fever but was not. I'm not sure if it's around my ovulation, never paid attention but definitely a part of peri. how are you feeling now? hope your migraines are better now. I tried to message you but I don't see the message box under your name. take care.
Guest ampat1
Hi ampat, thanks for checking in...I sent you a message...hope I did it right!