Butterflies in chest normal heartrate

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Im so so beside myself again!!!!!

I have this awful butterfly feeling in my chest and stomach

Blood pressure normal heartrate normal oxygen saturation normal

I check all this at home

Have been on here recently regarding bretahlessness

Had a major panic attack the other night

Two years post menTen year peri hell

Im scared because i cant explain the feeling

Anyone know what i mean? x

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    hi michelle i get this loads in my chest and throat i think its palpitations caused by hormone changes, been going on for about 5 years im 52, i also suffer awful anxiety some days but i try to ignore it and it goes away, please try not to worry

  • Posted

    sounds like anxiety try to breath and relax put something cool on back of neck and maybe tensing and releasing muscles will help! anxiety can cause many symptoms

  • Posted

    Thanks ladies

    Although anxiety was a common symptom for me in peri

    i was hoping for a little telief being im two years post now

    Wasnt expecting miracles but just a little relief would have been nice

    I teally dont want to go back to the doctor again being all my vitals are normal

    eg pulse blood pressure oxygen saturation

    I am suffering extreme bloating and acid reflux as well

    I dont take any meds but things ate so bad with the anxiety right now im considering going back on an anti anxiety med mirtazapine that i was on a few years ago

    Im so tired of this x

    • Posted

      have u tried eating a clean diet? im asking since u mentioned acid reflux. before u go on anti depressants, please give it a go for 2 weeks and see if it makes a difference. my doc also did an endoscopy on me....found nothing and prescribed an anti depressant. but i tried going on a healthy diet and it helped somewhat. hope it helps u too.

    • Posted

      btw...i did not take the antidepressant. my symptoms have not vanished (the acid reflux did go away), but i try to put them in the background (mainly anxiety, both with excitement or worry!) . self talk helps me a little. i just try telling myself that this is a temp phase and all will be fine(fingers crossed)! after all life dwells on Hope!

  • Posted

    HI, if its any help I had similar and eventually was told i had an ectopic heartbeat. sometimes it flutters, extra beats and sometimes it misses a beat. its always much worse when i feel pressure or stressed.

    Also fizzy drinks or heavy meals can set it off, or even an empty stomach especially if it feels acidic.

    They should offer the 24 Hour test monitor of your heart.

    Worth looking into and its not dangerous but very scary until you understand its okay

    Hope this helps. xx

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    • Posted


      I have recently had an ECG but i suppose that wouldnt pick them up

      When i do my pulse and blood pressure the beats are always regular

      This is a constant feeling not on and off

      I do suffer with acid reflux but just cant tolerate the meds for it

      I suppose i could go back again to my doctor and ask for the monitor

      I know i had one few years ago but it didnt pick anything up

      I also know that acid reflux affects the vagus nerve which in turn can affect the heart

      Is there any treatment for ectopic heartbeats?

      Thank you for replying

      Im going out of my mind with the years of all these symptoms

      Just hoped everything would be settling down a little post menopause

      Im begining to think i will be like this the rest of my life x

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle, you hit the nail on the head! When the vagus nerve acts up that causes the palpatations/flutters, and that nerve acts up from the acid reflux because of the low hormones.. Ive been getting it badly literally flip flopping skipping beats all over the place, and as soon as the indigestion and acid reflux and all the belching and bloated feeling calms down then the vargus nerve calms down and the palpatations stop, at least for the month, then it repeats the next month, its all so awful everything connected like a road map.. Um having the entire left side of my face ear and mouth numb this week, most people would think stroke! Me I'm getting the migraine coming no pain yet but the vertigo nausea and painful migraine is on its way, nobody can prepare you for these gawd awful symptoms that have you swearing you are dying! And the worst part I have a prior weeks in advance shin dig going on tomorrow and if the migraine strikes me any moment and its looking like it will I'm sh#t out of luck, I need for it to hold off just 48 more hours before it bed riddens me for 24 to 72 hours who the heck lives like this.. In so sick of this all.. Well I hope you find some relief soon.. Take care and try sipping water or clear pop to encourage the belching it might relieve that nerve and calm the palpitations!!!

    • Posted

      Yes i like what you said about feeling like you are dying!!!!

      That is exactly what it feels like

      My husband and kids think im nuts x

    • Posted

      This is me to a T!!! I even went to a Cardiologist, did the Holter Monitor and was told I have PVC's. I also suffer from acid reflux and just found out from an endoscopy I have a Hiatal Hernia. I did research and read up how the stomach and heart go hand in hand with the Vagus Nerve. Just had my blood work done as well and I literally have no estrogen and at a 10 with my testosterone. After working with my doctor on what is best and cost effective, I'm getting the pellets at the end of the month. Crossing my fingers that ALL my heart and stomach issues will then disappear!!!

      I've been with out HRT for about a year now. Had a Hysterectomy 6 years ago and was placed on the Estrodial patch. However, last year our insurance changed and they do not cover HRT so to maintain the patches I had to pay $473 a month until my deductible was met!!! Needless to say I've been suffering pretty bad for over a year now. Just love talking to you ladies who know what I'm going through!!!!

    • Posted

      Hi Kimberly, that's awful these insurance companies get to say what should and should not be covered by our doctors! And in the mean time we suffer .. I had the hysterectomy also years ago so I don't really know where I'd be with my meno journey without periods coming and going to predict the 1 year mark without one other than my awful awful symptoms.. I do hope and pray for relief for all of us on here that suffer so bad day in and day out.. Hoping these pellets will work for you! Good luck we should all be enjoying a symptom free wonderful life right now, without worries and health anxiety!!

  • Posted

    I have this too. I have seen 5 cardiologists in 7 years and they all say I am fine, not serious palpatations. Tonight I am with you, so tired of feeling this way. Hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Rebecca

      This is pure hell

      I havent even got out of bed yet and im dreading the day

      Ive been going through this for 12years with peri now two years post

      I feel beaten down with all this

      I usually do fight and get back up but the bloating and acid and breathing crap is really getting to me now

      Iys almost like ive become sensitive to every little pain twinge sensation!!!!!

      I know ive had a lot if stress with family situation the ladt couple months so maybe thats just tipped me over

      Hope you have a better day x

    • Posted

      Had a few good days, now awake middle of night with anxiety, palpations, leg pain, gas and bloating. This forum keeps me sane, knowing that even though doctors don't always see it, there has to be something to this menopausal changes. Hope you too had a few good days. That also helps to keep one sane.

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