buttock pain
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just to say last week i read on the forum that one of our members was going to phisio for buttock pain, this is the only pain i have left. after reducing pred and it didnt seem to be moving, so thought if phisio helps i will try it on my own first, so i started buttock scrunching. a bit like pelvic floor exersises but srunching the buttocks really hard. i have been doing this for nearly a week. though it was painfull at first as i was using muscels i didnt know i had. but i am glad to say it is much better not completly gone so far but it is better, ssso i will continue for a while longer to see if it goes completely
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EileenH pauline36422
tavidu pauline36422
JandaPea pauline36422
Links to pictures/diagrams could help.
EileenH JandaPea
Have you heard of Bowen therapy? I and a couple of others have used that to deal with severe piriformis/sciatica pain with great success. It is a very gentle therapy and a good therapist will tell you you will know after a maximum of 3 sessions if it is going to help - most people get relief after a single approx.1 hour session. It isn't as cheap as the NHS - but it can work miracles.
If you google "Joanne Hewitt Bowen" you should get a link to this lady's site where she explains the history of Bowen therapy and how it is done. I don't imagine you would have the luck to be close to her practice in County Durham - but I can promise that she says nothing on that site that isn't true!
On a lighter note - did you know one cause of piriformis syndrome in men is sitting on their wallet in their back pocket? It is an advantage of manbags...
tavidu EileenH
JandaPea tavidu
Thanks all for the advice, especially about the 'Bowens' procedure. I have looked into it and cannot find one close enough to me at this time but will continue to look. Am also going to try to find a 'good' phsio to cover my bases (no pun intended).
Incidentally, I have a skin condition called Bowens Disease, which is the precurser to skin cancer, the dermatologist freezes them off with liquid nitrogen.
Thanks all for the input.
EileenH JandaPea
I think the usual problem with the piriformis/sciatic nerve is that in some people the nerve actually runs THROUGH the muscle group. Any problem with the muscle can irrititate the nerve and when it is fed up enough it shouts out! In some cases a good sports massage therapist will sort it out. The local medical massage therapist where I lived in Germany was also the physio for the local football team - boy, could he deal with spasmed muscles!!! Really missed that when I went back to the UK - and it was all on the health service too!
erika59785 EileenH
It is good to do all the research with the help of my support group friends!! :-)
erika59785 pauline36422
jean_b erika59785
EileenH jean_b
erika59785 EileenH
She had not heard of Bowen Thrapy, but what she is doing must be close to this type of therapy.
EileenH erika59785
I wonder if there is a film of it on the internet - I'll have a look.
If you google "Bowen therapy youtube" you will get a pile of links and I found this one:
"Introduction to Bowen therapy by Mitchell Mosher" was a particularly good explanation of what he felt at his first experience and he then goes on to demonstrate what he does in a treatment plus a short talk about an actual patient he had had with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. It lasts 13mins.
To the uninitiated it may sound a bit strange. Having had it done to me I can only say that it did something for me that was worth every penny I paid. I didn't have the dramatic results he describes, it took a couple of sessions - but the effect was pretty much as good.
Have a look.
erika59785 EileenH
JandaPea EileenH
Am on the pred reduction prog. and have to take 1/2 mg. tabs as part of this prog, was using 2 1/2mg. brown gastro resistant tabs but now just cut a 5mg. white and 1mg tab in half to get to the 1/2 mg. Bought a nifty little tab cutter from Asda called Safe & Sound Extra for about £2.00, does the job. Now take my meds. between 2 and 4am when I wake naturally to pee. By the time I get up at about 7- 30am I find that I am not so stiff and that pain is a lot less. And even the sciatica/piriformis seems to have eased a little. Thank you Eileen and everybody else for the info. on buttock crunching, tried to get my gluts moving but they appear to be frozen, either 'cos of non-use for such a long time or the extensive surgery I had in the pelvic region many years ago.
EileenH JandaPea
My news of the day is I have found a Bowen therapist in my village - well, sort of, it's a half hour walk or a 5min drive. On the "to do" list for tomorrow!!
MrsO-UK_Surrey JandaPea
As for you having read somewhere that too much pressure on muscles by physiotherapists can be counter-productive in PMR, yes you are right (see the copy of the relevant newsletter I sent). The usual manual techniques of physiotherapy should be avoided - only gentle massage, heat treatment, ultrasound is wise, apart from in the much later stages of the disease process when perhaps steroid-weakened muscles would benefit from a little bit of extra exercise.
Please no more tumbles on the stairs - especially not now when you have started to finally feel some benefit.
EileenH MrsO-UK_Surrey
Jandapea - did you have a look for Bowen on youtube as I suggested. The videos are very good. The one I mentioned is by a podiatrist (US speak for orthopaedic foot specialist) who has found his patients end up needing less surgery when they also have Bowen sessions.
EileenH MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey EileenH
MrsO-UK_Surrey EileenH
EileenH MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey EileenH
JandaPea EileenH
Look forward to Tues Mrs. O.
debbie27473 jean_b
erika59785 EileenH
erika59785 debbie27473
JandaPea erika59785
erika59785 JandaPea
Emis_Moderator MrsO-UK_Surrey
Rather than me interrupting this thread trying to sort queries here - if anyone is still having issues can you please send me a PM with details. If you do not know how to do this the quickest way is just click the envelope under my avatar (the apple/star M) to the left.
The problem was to do with the servers/databases not being able to cope with the traffic numbers. There has been a fix that has been released to the site which should improve things.