Buzz/ fluttering in ear
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Any one get the buzz sound like a fly by the ear or the sound in your ear? This morning I sit up in bed and hear a buzz by my ear I started flipping out thinking maybe a fly got in my ear, I had my daughter to pour drops of water in my ear anyone else get this? If a fly got in your ear can it go to your brain thrown myself into another horrible panic!
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maria76995 Guest
Hi yes I get the flattering like wind in there wooshing sound ticking like a clock feel like they are block all sorts ignore don't worth worring about you be ok .
Sochima822 Guest
If anything, the bug would get lodged into the ear canal. The chamber is small and we have many nerves that could cause pain if they touch it. But no I've never heard it can get to your brain. Although, the nerves in your ear are directly? connected to your ear it is why we're very sensitive to anything that gets close to our ears. If you're concerned it's a bug a solution of 50/50 water and hydrogen peroxide could do the trick. If you're really concerned then you may need to go to the ER.
Struggling50 Guest
I have high pitched ringing, sometimes a roaring sound or thumping in my right ear. Also some hearing loss and sensitivity to sound.
My acupuncturist says it is hormone related, perimenopausal/menopausal symptoms.
My Dr and ear nose and throat drs couldn't figure out what was wrong.
It set in suddenly. I just woke up one day with tinnitus and hearing loss and sensitivities to sound.
Our hormones effect our WHOLE body, not just parts of our bodies.
Go to Dr if you think it will help you feel better.
Take care. xx
Mars777 Guest
Yes it's another of the menopause symptpms , Comes & goes nothing to worry about I pull my earoutwards seems to stop it
Struggling50 Guest