C6c7 disc pain
Posted , 3 users are following.
I have been to a neurosurgeon having suffered already for 18 months. Has anyone had successful neck surgery? Everything seems so negative and scary. Thanks
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Posted , 3 users are following.
I have been to a neurosurgeon having suffered already for 18 months. Has anyone had successful neck surgery? Everything seems so negative and scary. Thanks
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shirley49794 rachD123
mrsmop rachD123
rachD123 mrsmop
mrsmop rachD123
Good luck Rach!
Awaken rachD123
Wiz1970 rachD123
i had C5 C6 fused 6 years ago in Oxford after intense pain left me not able to use my arm, I won't say it was the most pleasant experience ever but I have been 6 year pain free until recently. I am due an MRI scan tomorrow and I'm back at Oxford for the results on Monday. I have had 3 major surgerys on my back and I'm only 44 so I'm old hat when it comes to this. I would say put your faith in the neurosurgeons they know what they are talking about. If they feel you would benefit then do it.. You can't even see my scar and I panicked about that. Good luck x