Calcium channel blockers

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Hi my consultant has started me on calcium channel blockers and still throwing up and chest pain anyone else tried these? 

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6 Replies

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    Hi Lisa, all, 

    My unqualified theory re CCBs and Nitrates - I always felt that when my A was in a 'vigorous' ie constant spasms and stress stage then nothing really helped. However, post these vigorous episodes our oesophagus usually becomes less mobile and rigid (or at least thats how it feels) - kind of dormant. Some A sufferers only have a vigorous stage for a year or so, but then are left with a disabled (best word I can think of) Oesophagus. I think this is where CCBs and Nitrates can help... Pretty sure they will not help with acid reflux issues; so knowing the source of the symptoms is important - although can often be very difficult to know, and part of the problem.

    For those that think they don't have acid issues but have a now dormant O, then I think (hope) these kind of drugs may help.. I truly wish I knew how to validate such things- research remains minimal. This forum seems the best day to day resource. I noticed someone mentioned the London Achalasia meet-up group. This is great too. Plus Alan's advice re the Guide to Achalasia.    

    The only thing that sometimes helped me during a vigorous time was High Strength Magnesium and Vitamin B; but like I say it felt as though nothing could help during those times...Certainly reducing stress was key for me - easier said than done! smile

    I hope you find some respite soon! Best Wishes and Healthy karma..


    • Posted

      Thank you very much for your advice most appreciated 
  • Posted

    When you say 'throwing up' is it regurgitation, ie food that has not really reached your stomach; or is it vomiting ie food that has come from your stomach itself?  Has it changed since trying the calcium channel blockers?

    My understanding is that these can help with spasms by helping with blood supply to the nerve endings controlling the muscles.

    Quite a lot of these remedies are not guaranteed to help, but it might be that they need time to work well.   Otherwise return to your consultant who may well then suggest alternative medication.


    • Posted

      It’s regurgitating still that awful sensation of food being stuck, pain in the chest then back it comes, and no changes really just horrible side effects from the meds but still the same daily vomiting. I’m going to keep going with them till my next appointment and see if anything changes 
    • Posted

      The painful spasms can be caused by the food getting stuck, reflux or some other reason.   That may not sound very helpful, but if it is reflux that is causing the reaction, taking Gaviscon Advance, which you can buy over the counter, might help because it creates a protective raft to counteract reflux.   And if you have been vomiting from your stomach, some of the acid might be coming up and triggering the reaction.

      This is unqualified speculation, so don't take this too seriously.   But it should not be harmful, or affect other medication, and it might just make a bit of difference?

      Meanwhile try taking in nutrition with liquid food, very slowly, giving each mouthful a minute or two to go down.   This will help you build up your strength a bit.   It is very time consuming though.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much, I don’t have reflux not according to test for it, I will certainly try anything that will help it’s a long road this illness and takes it out of you 

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