Calf muscle is killing me after 6 days in boot
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Ok I know this was inevitable. I know it’s a good sign cause it means I’m actually using it. But omg are there any suggestions for some relief from the sore muscles? I feel like I want to stretch it out really good. But I don’t know of any stretches I can do with my broken fibula. Any stretches I would normally do I can’t. Ugh! Lol partially just getting out my frustration here but if anyone has some advice I’d take it!
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OzzieRulz jennifer48411
jennifer48411 OzzieRulz
freddy41742 jennifer48411
Afraid I can't think of any advice but I can sympathize.
I strangely was ok in the boot but since walking round the house for about 6 days without the boot my calf is the same and I don't have enough range of movement in my ankle to stretch it out how I used to.
Not sure where about you live but I was suggested Deep Heat perhaps that might help?
Not tried it myself I just keep trying to stretch it as best I can at the moment.
Hope you get some relief soon.
jennifer48411 freddy41742
freddy41742 jennifer48411
Hi Jennifer,
I meant to reply the other day but am back at work part time at the moment and the time seems to be disappearing between working from home and looking after my son who is on holiday.
I have found a solution to the calf pain and that is the physio.... there is a but though......
I saw the physio and asked what I could do and she said stretch as much as you can and it should get better. As her next patient hadn't arrived she then said she would give it a massage.... well... if massage means unbelievable pain, almost more than the broken leg then that is what I had.... on the plus side she definitely cured it!
I would still recommend it although take something to chew on and some pain meds before you go but you will definitely feel better afterwards, and strangely I also have more ability to stretch :-)
jennifer48411 freddy41742
freddy41742 jennifer48411
I am glad your doing better and the calf pain is gone.
How did those first steps feel?
I understand you feeling anxious but get confident with the boot and then the anxiety should reduce as the foot gets used to being used again.
Do you find walking in the boot odd? I did, I really couldn't get used to it but after a few days I felt comfortable in it and then last Tuesday when they said start walking around the house without it it really wasn't good for my anxiety but at the same time in a way it felt nice to be free of it. I still wear it out of the house.
To start with I found it useful to have the crutches with me most of the time to provide the added support and reassurance, you just need to remind yourself not to use them too much whilst being careful not to overdo it. I found regularly taking some pain medication helped me to not have the pain so I could walk on it more with the boot and still know when I needed to rest.
I am due to go on a family holiday in a couple of weeks and historically we have always filled the days with going here there any everywhere and I am concerned I am not going to be able to do as much as the rest of the family although it will be nice to be somewhere different and it is by the beach!
Hope you get used to the boot and it becomes your friend!
jennifer48411 freddy41742
freddy41742 jennifer48411
Hi Jennifer,
I am so happy for you. That sounds amazing!
You sound like I felt when I could move around outside, it was amazing to just feel the air on my face and in my lungs and the sun too! Money couldn't buy it!!
I think you did the right thing not to go too far as it is getting the balance between pressing on and not going too far but you sound like you have it spot on :-)
Have you got any of the resistance bands? I got some to strengthen my ankle and I have found that my ankle can be sore but if I use the bands to stretch up and down and side to side it can help.
I hope you have a fantastic weekend and continue pain free :-)
jennifer48411 freddy41742
I went back again last night and tested my ankle with the brace again. Still couldn’t find a pain threshold so I decided to try a couple tentative steps. It was scary. But it didn’t hurt and I could do it. I walked around the house a little in my own. Just short distances and then supplemented with crutches for the rest. Decided I am NEVER putting that uncomfortable boot back on! I was not sore afterwards and I’m not this morning so I think I did ok with my limits. This is a stiff brace so I still have almost no movement in my ankle when I walk which I know is what is helping keep the pain at bay. I’m sure when I get the go ahead to start trying without it that it’ll be a whole different ballgame with the ankle movement. For now I’m extremely happy with what feels like a big leap ahead. I can live like this for the next 5 weeks and feel relatively normal. Huge sigh of relief! Hope things are still going well for you in your own journey.
freddy41742 jennifer48411
Ah yes heels...I don't think that will be a problem for me.... legs to hairy lol....
It sounds like you are doing the right thing by taking it carefully and I think if you have something that gives you pain it is likely you will end up doing less compared to something that doesn't give you pain. As long as you are aware of the pain and not pushing too far which it sounds like you are it sounds like you are doing the right thing to me.
I am going well thanks just trying to be patient and not going too far aswell as I still get bits of pain but nothing major but trying to walk as much as possible and strengthen to get back to normal!
Hope you have a great day!!