Calf muscle twitching
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please help me!!!!
I feel like am going crazy! I've not had peroid now for 10mths. but for the last 5 weeks my Alf muscles have not stopped twiching. I've had alsorts going on. hip pain sharp stabbing pain in my bum and groin on left side. my arms feel weak and now and them they feel like they are burning. I've had a few twitches in other places but mainly in calfs. Am so worried I've had mri scan for m.s. due to other symptoms but it was clear. Am waiting to see neurologist but because of the cronnavirus I've got to wait. I've goggled muscle twitching and it says could be als mnd. which scares me to death. Am 49. Am not sure if it's connected to per menopause. has anyone else felt them. I've been worried sick. doctor has given me amitriptyline but it not done nothing. I've took magnesium bit b3 calcium for 3 weeks now. I feel like am going crazy. aches and pains all over my body please help also shoulder jerks and leg just moves on its own in bed
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tracy5858 angela88645
honeslty it sounds like sciatica or pinched nerve i have that and i have sciatica . you can try glucosamine or Emu Oil Spray its called Blue Emu ot work spray on the hip area..
angela88645 tracy5858
I've had mri not trapped nevre or sciatica I've tried magnesium spary nothing works 😥😥😥xx
CarolDR angela88645
Please don't worry I had ALL those muscle twitching even ran up and down throughout my entire body, and legs jerking it all lasted for MONTHS much better now BUT not all gone, still comes and goes. I'm post meno now and I still get the weak arms and legs feeling , even legs go numb! My husband died from ALS and I know the differences in the ALS twitches and the ones we experience. ALS twitches are like VERY VERY rapid and NON stop NO pauses in between! DO NOT GOOGLE remember google is not a doctor , only a search engine! This will calm down some but I had it for months on in on twitching and jerking AND now post and still have the weak arms and legs and numbness! With ALS I can help you there because I took care of my husband who died from it , ask any questions you like concerning it , BUT rest assure you are fine and its NOT ALS 😃 Hugs!
angela88645 CarolDR
thankyou Carol. they never stop in my calfs I've not had a one day in the last 5 weeks. they are really bad. I've got them in my feet. it's really concerning me I feel really upset about it. i don't know what to do. Am so sorry about your husband God bless you xx
CarolDR angela88645
You mean never stop like there throughout the day mine was too, but thats not ALS look at the calf of your legs or video it, now with ALS twitching they will be VERY VERY RAPID and no pause like a constant very very very fast heatbeat hard to explain to you . . Twitching can be all day but its little pauses.
angela88645 CarolDR
Hi Carol,
Yes they never STOP. they pulse I can see them. my arms are lethargic. both of them. I can still use them but though the day I wanna cut them off. they are in my feet. there is no rest from them. my husband has rubbed them nothing stops them. I am worried to death. last night I was gonna go a@e because of my arms. I can't explain the feeling in them. sorry to mither you xx
charlotte57631 angela88645
Hello ladies..I can truly relate..I get the twitches and they are really bad when I have anxiety...but I keep anxiety so every now and then I will get a nerve twitch somewhere and of course I have been googling and making anxiety even worser..with everything going on with the coronavirus and going through menopause it is a struggle..😪🙏
angela88645 charlotte57631
it's horrendous I know how you feel am really worried I've looked to go private but nobody seeing anyone at the moment. it's a really worrying time. I feel trapped xx
sharon03238 angela88645
i get the calf twitching x
angela88645 sharon03238
ohhh they are bad never stopped. all day all night I am worried sick xx
jo0808 angela88645
Hi angela ive had the body jumping when im falling asleep & also the burning pain in arms especially in elbow joints. i get a mottled rash the kind you get when your cold. its super scary. my doctor said i was low on vitD which ive been taking for months now and still no better. i get proper sick of myself with all the different aches & pains. hope we all get some peace soon.
anita42201 angela88645
hello! I'm so sorry we are all going through this I have had these same symptoms for a year now. and they started in the legs and now move around in other parts . ver They are sporadic some days worst than others. . I also feel inner tremors and burning, crawling sensations. Mri clear and two of the best neurologists, assured me it wasn't neurological. Probably due to anxiety Still they persist. i try to exercice and drink alot. I had one medical doctor actually say hormonal changes can cause these symptoms. Also check another group called muscle twitching on this forum . Many women are going through the same thing. Hope this helps.
serena11274 angela88645
im 44 and had muscle twitching for last year and half, i had one in my calf that went for 2 weeks straight at one point, i have not been diagnosed peri as my bloods always normal but i think its related, ive found nothing that gets rid of them they just come and go, i just ignore them now, ive also had them in stomach, back, buttocks pretty much everywhere.