Calf Pain, Fluttering, Charley Horse
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Hi, all. I'm new here, and wondering if anyone is/has experienced calf pain during peri menopause? I am experiencing it in just my left calf, to the point I thought I had a blood clot. A DVT was ruled out. Now I'm thinking this is just another symptom of the craziness of peremenopause. I bought multivitamins, along with magnesium and calcium supplements yesterday. Any thoughts or advice from y'all would be appreciated! Thanks!
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lydia2311 alice44266
alice44266 lydia2311
Willow1992 alice44266
Hi Alice. I do recall having that sort of pain quite a while ago. It came and went. We sure do have many weird things happening to us don't we. As long as they come and GO I think we be all ok and things will settle down when we stop having periods or should improve and stop all these horrible symptoms. I also started magnesium liquid today also. I hope that pain goes away for you soon
alice44266 Willow1992
kellys38 alice44266
alice44266 kellys38
Yes, so annoying! It's all been progressive over the course of 2 months. First the fluttering... then shooting pain every once in awhile. Now my calf just aches. I had myself convinced it was a bloodclot after googling my symptoms. Glad I am not alone, and hope you find relief soon!
kellys38 alice44266
I've been to the hospital twice in the past 3 months bc of anxiety making me think I'm having a heart attack and they've checked for blood clots as well. Thank goodness all has been fine...but it still makes you think it's something serious every time it happens. I'm sure it's just the crazy hormones. I'll be so glad when this is all over. I hope you feel some relief soon too!
Guest alice44266
alice44266 Guest
Thanks, Suzanne! Helps to know I'm not alone. Hope you are doing better!
maria76995 alice44266
Hi Alice, I use to get calf pain with my periods not sure if it was something to do with the menopause but haven't had it for a while now..I use to think I might have a blood clot of some kind or just maybe it was the crazy menopause doing no idea..if it ever comes back I would tell my Dr this time, I hope it goes away soon.