Came off the pill after 10 years. Skin very bad with acne.

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I went on the pill when I was 16 to initially help my acne (have also had two courses of roaccutane). However I am now 26 years old and have came off the pill to try for a baby but my skin is now so bad with acne. Can anyone give me any help or advice? Thank you.

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    I've had similar issues with coming off the pill and dealing with the resulting acne. As you are trying to conceive you are pretty limited as to what you can take to help your skin.

    I took Erythromycin (an oral antibiotic that is pregnancy safe!) for about 9 months and whilst I saw an initial improvement I think by the end it was probably either not working or making it slightly worse. Antibiotic resistance is always a concern and that's why my GP took me off it.

    She suggested I try something topical instead as there aren't really any other options that are safe if you are trying to conceive. I'll be honest, I really had low expectations! I was prescribed Duac, which is a combination of benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin. The clindamycin is an antibiotic but crucially the added benzoyl peroxide helps to prevent reinfection. I noticed an improvement in the first two weeks. It was very uncomfortable to begin with as that stuff burns a bit and it made me go rather red. I could literally see the manky spotty bits of skin peeling off!! It was so dry but I managed to persevere with it (I think I alternated every other day to begin with owing to the soreness).

    After about three weeks it seemed like my skin had finally begun to tolerate it and it stopped burning. I've been using it nightly since last August and it has cleared up probably 90% off my spots (I would say I had moderate acne to begin with. Mostly on my chin and cheeks). I still get a couple a month around my chin which I think is unavoidable but overall it is so much better! I'm still using duac now and it keeps my skin in check. Usually prevents new spots from getting too big or crazy smile

    Anyway I really hope that helps you and good luck with everything.

    • Posted

      Aw thank you very much for replying and giving me information on how you are dealing with it. I'm going to try and make an appointment this week with the doctor and see if they can prescribe me duac. I'm currently getting ready for nightshift and I feel my acne is that bad I have to wear makeup for work as it is affecting my confidence. I will definitely try duac if they are able to prescribe it. Thank you 😙😊
  • Posted

    Red clover is excellent, I have recommended it to countless poeple and I have never heard of it not helping.  I think it helps to balance hormones particularly testosterone.  Hope it helps. 
  • Posted

    Look up Fenugreek seeds. These are the best thing ever. What you do is soak them in hot water over night, drink some of the juice and make a mask with the seeds and some of the juice. I've never had acne but it says it is brilliant for them.

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