Can a thrombosed hemorrhoid be caused by insufficient blood circulation?
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Hi folks, for about a year while living in my travel trailer I suffered with a medium sized thrombosed hemorrhoid that refused to go away. I saw two professionals, got treatment, tried every cream out there... it never went away... until I stopped living in my travel trailer. For a year and a half I was blissfully free from the thrombosed hemorrhoid... but within a week of living in my travel trailer again, it's back. Here's my theory: it's the bed in my travel trailer. It's memory foam and very firm. When I lay on the right side of it flat on my back, my right leg starts to fall asleep. If I sleep in the center of the bed, it's better, but still too firm. The thrombosed hemorrhoid is on the left side down there... and I primarily sleep on my left side. Might try ordering another mattress topper, but it doesn't seem to matter how much I pile on top of this mattress, my body always seems to feel the firmness.
The question is: can a lack of blood circulation caused by something like an extra firm mattress cause a thrombosed hemorrhoid? If not, I have no other way of explaining how after 1.5 years it suddenly reappears within a week of living in my trailer again. It's something I want to be sure of because getting and setting up a new mattress and getting rid of the old one is kind of a pain.
Really appreciate any thoughts/feedback.
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krystil13529 john86742
This is SO interesting! Before I got my thrombosed hemorrhoid I noticed that at night my legs and arms would fall asleep. My mattress is firm as well and I was wondering about blood circulation?? I have had the thrombosed hemroid for 3 weeks and was about to go back to my doctor. I want to look more into this though because I think you might be on to something!
john86742 krystil13529
Yes and the problem is only on the left side which is the side I sleep predominantly, and the areas of the thrombosions lines up almost exactly with a pressure point on my left side when I sleep. It definitely looks like a blood circulation issue, I mean how else could it be explained that it happens right after I start sleeping in my travel trailer again? The bed I was sleeping in before was much softer. It's frustrating because no matter how many things I pile on top of this firm mattress my body seems to sink through and feel the firmness still. I really don't want to have to buy a new mattress because it seems like most are firm these days and selling my old one and putting in a new one is a pain... plus who knows if it will for sure fix the issue. But if there's no other way to fix this issue, it might be the only choice. I've thought about taking some supplements and stuff right before I go to bed... but really I should not be sleeping on a mattress that causes blood circulation issues. It sounds like you might be experiencing something similar. I can't explain this issue by my diet... it hasn't changed much since I moved back into my trailer. And even though the cheap foam mattress that came with the trailer wasn't very high quality, I don't recall ever having this issue when I first bought the trailer and took it on a long trip, but did experience some back pain from it, so ended up replacing it about 2 years ago with the memory foam mattress I have today... and the problems started thereafter, I'm pretty sure.
john86742 krystil13529
I have a 3 inch memory foam topper in my storage unit, going to put it on top of this mattress, then pile on like 5 layers of toppers and soft down comforters until there's no way for my body to sink all the way through to the mattress. If no pressure from my body is meeting the mattress at the base, seems impossible that the mattress could affect me then? It will be an interesting experiment and will reply to this thread if anything changes as a result.
Update August 2nd 2021: the thrombosis issues (multiple) are looking bad and there is a little more physical discomfort now. The mattress topper makes my back hurt less when in bed which is good, but I still feel the firmness of the mattress through everything. I even got paranoid and thought maybe it's a bacterial issue on my old comforter that I had on the bed, put it in a garbage bag and sprayed down the whole bed area with sanitizer. I don't think it's bacterial though. The truth is I'm getting 0 exercise at the moment. I think the firm bed is cutting off circulation in my pelvis area when I sleep and causing this issue along with lack of exercise and a lifestyle of pretty much sitting all day. The thrombosis' (multiple) are bad enough where I'm thinking of storing my travel trailer somewhere and renting a studio apartment. I have another bed in my storage unit which I used in my last apartment and never recall having these issues. If moving into a new place with a new bed doesn't make the thrombosis issue go away, I will do my best to lose about 40 pounds and become a lot more physically active again. Process of elimination - I need to figure out if it's the bed in my travel trailer or something in the trailer before I take this thing on another long trip.
Another quick update - August 4th 2021 - I actually got a new 3 inch plush cotton topper. Folded this in half on top of another topper that's folded in half and I'm happy to say that the past couple of mornings I've woken up with little to no back pain - first time in years. This should mean that my pelvis area is also getting relief from the firm mattress, which if my theory is correct that the mattress was cutting off my blood circulation in the pressure point areas of my body, should hopefully at least partially relieve this issue. The thrombosis' (multiple) are bad enough where they will likely take weeks to go away on their own. I have secured a new apartment and will be using my old bed which when using never had this problem, and will continue to update this thread for myself and others to try to figure out why this happened. The thrombosis' appeared in the exact same places in the exact same way as they had last time I lived in the trailer which further makes me believe it was the firm mattress causing the issue. Another possibility which I hope isn't it is that the thrombosis issues were still there when I was living in a house for the past 1.5 years, but less severe and hidden internally. However, I can say with 99.9% confidence that not once did I feel the type of swelling down there when living in the house as I do now living in the trailer. So either the bed is cutting off my blood circulation or there's some kind of bacterial/fungal/chemical issue in the trailer... but no evidence of that. More updates to follow.
Another update August 4th 2021 - today I realized that my feet are swollen. This is an issue I started experiencing at the house and believe it is from too much sitting with no exercise. Also been dealing with an issue for a couple years now where my right leg falls asleep, just had it happen today and the only way to wake it up is do stretches and shake it out a bunch, it's kinda scary, not like when you normally have a numb leg or arm. I am now starting to think all of this along with the thrombosis' might be connected. For over 10 years I was a gym rat in great shape getting plenty of exercise, but the past 5 years not so much, especially not the past 2 years with COVID which stopped me from going to the gym. Upon researching, these could be early symptoms of venous insufficiency which can often be healed by lifestyle changes. Guess in my late 30's my body won't let me get away with sitting on my butt all day and firm mattresses make it even worse. These issues have to be connected, and I believe the main causes are me being overweight and not getting exercise. Excited to get moved into the apartment and set up my treadmill and weight lifting bench.. gonna create a home gym and get back in shape. Even if it doesn't get rid of the thrombosis' it's a good idea for my overall health.
Latest update August 12th 2021 - it looks and feels like the swelling has gone down somewhat for the thrombosed area since adding the toppers to the bed, but it's hard to say for 100% certain with self-examinations of a difficult to examine area. The main thrombosis is still significant, feel it every time I wipe, and again I'm 99% positive I never felt it when living in the house (it came back within a week of living in my travel trailer again). It still looks pretty bad. Previously when laying flat on my back on the trailer bed my right leg would start to fall asleep, now after adding a new 3 inch cotton topper (and folding it in half making it essentially 6 inches of cotton topper on my bed) it does not, and my back does not hurt as much in the mornings. This leads me to believe further that my firm bed is what really made the issues come to the forefront, along with a lack of exercise and too much sitting. When I was living in the house the bed there was quite soft, almost too soft actually, and I had room to do jumping jacks on many mornings. Here living in the trailer I don't like jumping around because it moves the trailer around a bunch and puts pressure on the tires, so while living in the trailer if I stay home all day I really don't get much exercise save for some stretches here and there.
My current hypothesis: the firm trailer bed coupled with the restrictions of movement in the trailer which stops me from doing any real exercise in here along with sitting too much cut off circulation to the area where the thrombosis' have developed.
This is the only way I can think of to explain why the thrombosis' would disappear after moving into a house, then reappear within a week in the exact same spots after moving back into the travel trailer.
However, I have noticed other health issues in recent years. One is my right leg falling asleep fairly often, another is my feet swelling, and sometimes even my right hand a little bit. These issues coincide with me going to the gym less and less and living in the trailer more and more. During my long trip in the 2nd half of 2018 and 2019 using my travel trailer when I traveled from coast to coast, I recall having the issue of my right leg falling asleep, but not swollen feet and definitely not thrombosis. During that trip I was using the old foam mattress that came with the trailer, a different one than the memory foam bed currently in the trailer.
Once moved into the apartment, I will also be moving a treadmill and my weight lifting bench in there and will be creating a home gym. I believe all of my issues including the thrombosis are from improper blood circulation due to lack of exercise. I feel very healthy otherwise, this is my only real health concern at the moment, but it is significant. Will continue to update this thread as I change my lifestyle. Thinking along the lines of morning workouts including cardio and weight lifting then at night doing 15 or 20 minutes of walking before bed.
Update August 25th 2021 - the swelling has gone down significantly, although the main thrombosis is still there, it does seem to be smaller overall. It's still so strange to me how this happened in the exact same manner within days of moving back into my travel trailer. I moved into a new apartment about 10 days ago and am now using my old bed where I never had these issues, and this bed is definitely less firm than the one in the trailer. The mattress in the trailer is overly firm, like 'Extra Firm' and certainly not good for my body.
I still believe that the extra firm mattress in my travel trailer combined with a lack of movement due to confined space when living in the trailer full-time makes this thrombosis happen. There's no way I never would have noticed such a bulge/swelling when living in the house for 1.5 years.
However a lack of exercise is probably the biggest underlying cause, as I have had other issues in recent years such as swollen feet and a right leg that falls asleep.
I also sometimes suffer from a bacterial issue in my groin area on the inside of my legs and sometimes inside of my butt crack - the skin becomes inflamed, red and irritated and only cold showers or putting something cold on it gives any relief. Could this issue be caused by the long-lasting thrombosis? Or could it be the other way around and the bacterial issue is what causes the blood clots in the first place? Even as a kid, I would suffer from red inflamed skin on the inside of my legs when doing athletics. Even used to get athlete's foot. I can say with 100% certainty that this issue affects the area where the thrombosis is, making it sting/burn sometimes. Surely that can't be good for the situation.
My bowel movements for the past 2 weeks or so have been watery/runny on a consistent basis, and sometimes I feel a little dizzy when having to go. Another puzzle piece: is this connected to the thrombosis? Is, god forbid, there actually some kind of bacterial issue inside of the trailer?
There are multiple pieces to this puzzle, but two things are for sure: I will be getting more exercise now and will be regularly checking the area and will continue to post updates. If this thrombosis is still here in another 30+ days, I will be a lot more concerned and may need to seek medical care. Hopeful that by exercising more, sleeping on a softer bed and drinking more water it will go away naturally.