Can anxiety cause difficulty breathing with exertion??

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Last week I had a random day where I was very anxious. Ever since then, I started doing manual/conscious breathing. Keeping track of every inhale, hoping to get those "satisfying" breaths, yawning otherwise, and feeling nervous if I don't get that "satisfying" breath.

When I exercise or do some physical work, I feel the symptoms more. Inhaling takes more effort and I have to consciously think about it even more. It feels like I am inhaling through a straw more when I exert. I have been tested for asthma when I was a teenager (20 yrs ago), and they said I may have very mild asthma. But inhalers don't help my symptoms.

Does anyone else with anxiety breathing issues have their symptoms worsen with exertion?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    yes, a lot of people on this site have said they are exhausted when they do anything physical. I’ve had that happen to me when I am very anxious. It’s because anxiety and stress takes a huge toll on the body. So if there’s anyway we can work to reduce the anxiety, that would help a lot. I’ve had anxiety to the point where I couldn’t even get up off the couch and I felt a little week. so if I tried to exercise, it was not going to happen. my heart rate would go up and I felt awful. when you feel like that just take a little break and don’t overdo anything. Do a little bit at a time. I do hope you feel better soon take care

    • Posted

      thanks for the reply! I totally agree that living with these symptoms is exhausting physically, and exercise is not a possibility.

  • Posted

    yes mine absolutely does.It feels like i cant breathe. That in turn makes panic happen and thus the vicious cycle. Practice breathing inhale 4 secs, hold 7 secs and exhale 8

  • Edited

    yes mine absolutely does.It feels like i cant breathe. That in turn makes panic happen and thus the vicious cycle. Practice breathing inhale 4 secs, hold 7 secs and exhale 8

    • Posted

      YES! Thanks for this reply. After I exercise, maybe I pay more attention to my breathing, checking in on it more. And if it's not perfect, I start focusing and panicking. What does your post-exercise breathing difficulty feel like? Does it happen everytime you exercise?

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