Can anxiety cause this?!
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During March and the beginning of April, I was dealing with some intense anxiety, but it seemed to go away in the middle of April. Anyways, now that it's gone, I'm dealing with a lot of muscle tension, pain, and spasms in my legs, back, and neck. I think I am TMJ just because I have headaches in my temples and forehead, my jaw clicks when I open it and my ears hurt bad. I don't know if this could connect with the muscle pain, but I need help! I don't know what to think.
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TisdaleLondon courtneyreneeb1
courtneyreneeb1 TisdaleLondon
TisdaleLondon courtneyreneeb1
Klm81 courtneyreneeb1
If you're genuinely concerned see your doc. If they say you're ok believe them and be patient with your body. The more relaxed you can be about it the quicker you will heal. It could be a month but that's ok. Be patient and accept it.
I had pain everywhere, chest, tummy and arms the worst, and head neck and jaw - think that was from clenching jaw / grinding teeth at night. It feels so bad you can't believe it's just physical recovery from you mental illness but it really is.
Good luck to you xx
courtneyreneeb1 Klm81
Klm81 courtneyreneeb1
pain in armpit area is also a common one for muscle pain, however, also just if you are run down or have a cold. Again, if you are worried see your doc and let them check you out. Be quite normal for you to be run down with what you are going thro.
have you tried cognitive behaviour therapy? Your GPs can refer you. Helped me look at things more calmly.
im sorry you're struggling so much. Do you have people around you to talk to?
eat well, plenty of rest and exercise xx
courtneyreneeb1 Klm81
I haven't tried it, but I would be willing to. I've talked to my family about it, but they see anxiety as something that you can control, which you can to a point, but I just don't think they understand. Thanks for your help. I just have to think of it as a recovery process, and I really think that will help.
lori_43452 courtneyreneeb1
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courtneyreneeb1 tonia_2003
tonia_2003 courtneyreneeb1
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