Can anxiety do this?
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I always wonder if it's true or not, for example, if you're scared of choking to death, can anxiety trick you into causing a symptom like tightness of throat appear for no reason and make you think you're going to choke now in reality? Everytime I fear about my health or dying one day, my anxiety seems to trick me into believing I am, by causing my heart to race fast out of nowhere and then I have trouble breathing, which does feel like I might die from a heart attack. I'm not sure if that is normal or not, but does anyone know if anxiety can do something like that to you, which is playing your fear?
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iamsossig SweetLinda
absolutely 1000% this is exactly what anxiety does and why it can be so horrible.
This is why a lot of people think they have MS or other neurological issues. They (me included) get an anxiety tremor and google it, immediately going down a rabbit hole and seeing symptoms for other diseases that all of a sudden you start to feel.
It is absolutely horrible but rest assured its anxiety being mean.
For me it usually goes.
tremor/shake/twitch for days none stop
...all of a sudden im distracted and not shaking, and ill suddenly think 'oh am i twitching'.
BOOM.....twitching starts again.
Serrgei SweetLinda
100% symptoms of panic attack