Can anxiety give you symptoms 24/7?

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I deal with generalized anxiety disorder and I feel like each day it gets worst for me and I'm always experiencing a new symptom each day, the common ones I get mostly is fatigue, headaches, numbness on my legs and feet, dizziness, can't concentrate, lump in throat feeling and feeling tight, heart racing fast, trouble breathing, and many more. It's so frustrating to learn to cope with anxiety sometimes, it happens out of nowhere even when I'm trying to distract myself from not having one. Does anyone go through the same problem or have experience symptoms that they thought were life threatening? If so, how do you normally calm yourself when you're experiencing a panic attack? I would love some advices. Anxiety is draining me so much that I find it hard for me to sometimes stay up in the morning.

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4 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi Shanny........I have had anxiety for decades and yes mine does last 24/7. i could have it for a few weeks and then it goes away only to return again. Alot of my symptoms are the same as yours. So frustrating. There are days where i say to myself this cant be anxiety. i feel so crappy and just wish it would end.

  • Edited

    Hey shanny i'm basically in the same boat as you for the last couple months. Ive had anxiety disorders in the past that i used to take medication for (cymbalta, lexapro). This time around these medications havent worked for me as they increase my anxiety to much for me to get used to them. Im currently experiencing pretty much steady panic and fear throughout the day, and end up very tired halfway through the day.

    What ive been doing currently as far as my high anxiety, is turning that "anxiety energy" into productive energy. And as far as panic attacks go i try to encourage it to persist. It seems weird and difficult but it seems to help a bit. I did learn these techniques from an app called "DARE", and it has helped me out. I recommend you check it out. As far as tiredness goes im still exausted after all that, but less panicky.

  • Posted

    Hey there,

    I feel the exact same way right now. Ever since January, I've been experiencing anxiety symptoms like never before. Started with a weird chest feeling which is now an on and off chest tightness. I get tension headaches, I feel tired every day, my body feels weak, I'm constantly checking my pulse to see if my heart rate is fast, I feel like some days I seem to not be able to breathe properly and just like you said I feel like I wake up with a new symptom each day. I started therapy last week and have my second session today so I guess I'll see what happens with it. When I went to the doctor's for all these symptoms, she said it was most likely anxiety (since everything came back normal) and prescribed me some gabapentin in the meantime even though it doesn't seem to do anything.

    I honestly don't know what to do when I experience these symptoms as I myself am still learning how to cope with them, just as you. They have caused me to not leave my house because I seriously feel so unwell and just want to stay home. I can't offer you any tips on how to cope with them but I thought I'd chime in and say you're not alone in feeling this way.

  • Posted

    @anxiety gives many symptoms like being irritated with things, feeling restless, lack of sleep, unsatisfying sleep, loneliness and many more. but these all symptom@s will vanish off when we strongly fight with the problem.

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