Can anyone help me BV STI??

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I  was wondering if anyone could help me

Basically long story short I’m a 20year old women and have been in a faithful relationship to 2 years but I’m an extremely worried, I came off my injection 20months ago this month and have had irregular periods since I also had a horrible smell at the end of my period that lasted a week after this happened for a few months ago, then I was experiencing pelvic pain and bloating after my period in January, I went to the doctor and got a HVS and was comfirmed with bv I’ve had anti biotics but it still seems to be there sometimes and I’ve been having ubnormal watery discharge still and I’m now currently 14 days late on my period I’m not pregnant (wish I was) my partner has no symptoms of an sti and because he’s in the military he told me he had a full sexual health check up there but I don’t know whether he’s just telling me that to stop me from worrying sad also my Anus has felt uncomfortable and itchy sad so I went to the clinic and have had tests should get the results in a few days.. I’m honestly so worried and anxious I don’t know what to do with myself what happens if I’ve had a sti for years and it has effected my fertility sad 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi sarah00782

    What tests did you have?. You may have a cyst on the ovary as you are experiencing abdominal pain and bloating. You may need to have an ultrasound scan to see what is going on in your uterine area and may have to be referred to a Gynaecologist.. but it may be the BV hasn't been eradicated. Just try and relax until you get your test results....

  • Posted

    Coming of your injection could have affected your periods and it may take time to settle down.  It sounds like the BV didn't clear up and it might have been resistant to antibiotics. I was was tested for BV because I had strange discharge but it was thrush and it cleared up after medication but it came back a few months later.  

    These sorts of infections can come about through stress.  I am not sexually active.  My first infection was caused by antibiotics and the second time it was stress.  Remember that you were diagnosed with BV, so accept and trust this diagnosis and don't worry about anything else. Simply go back to your doctor and get another BV swab done. 

    I don't think your partner would tell you he had an STI test if he didn't.  The best policy to help you not to worry, is to tell you the truth.  Hiding anyrhing would not achieve anything in the long run because eventually the truth comes out.

  • Posted

    Coming off the injection may also have caused abdominal pain and bloating too.  Your hormones can get disturbed with these injections and it is better to not to have them and to let your hormones act naturally.  My brother who is a doctor told me not to take anything hormonal because they aren't good for you.

    • Posted

      Hi so just got my test results from my sti testing and they were all negative. Thank god!! So I went to the doctor because I’m now 15 days late on period she’s done another swab to see if it’s the bv lurking around still but it could be stress because I’ve obviously been so stressed out about this.. I don’t know what you mean about telling the truth I haven’t had anything to hide haha 
    • Posted

      Stress can make periods late. What I meant about telling the truth was when you said you were worried that your partner may have told you he had had an STI test when he hadn’t had one done because he didn't want to worry you.  Sorry if I got my words mixed up!  Glad your tests were clear.

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