can anyone help please?

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Hi I don't know if anyone can help, I need to know what you think about counselling to help with anxiety and control PTSD symptoms in order for me to relax enough to conceive a child, do you think this will help? I have been diagnosed with PTSD and feel talking to people on here helpful but when I asked for help last year I was offered cbt but it was cut in the end and then I was left with no-one to speak to! I'm really worried about going anywhere else and having them pull out! Any advice how I manage this?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sam

    I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I definitely would talk to someone - I don't know where you live but in Canada we have intuitive healers that get to the root of these type of traumas. Meditation works for me and. Have had my share of trauma over the years. Deepak Chopra offers free guided meditation on YouTube. I've been following him for years and it helps me each day. Start small and if you can get a counsellor who deals with PTSD I'd seek it out. I wish you well. Take good care and remember it's a process not a quick fix. Best, 🌞

    • Posted

      Hi Janine, I live on a small set of islands called England. My doctors support is different I have been offered to see a company called rape crisis they deal with this all the time. I was offered this as a consolation prize when I couldn't have ivf by my hospital counsellor as we were due to have IVF but I should be delightful according to them as it's as good a the baby my husband and I want! What sort of sick joke that is I don't know! I never said I wouldn't see anyone but having a baby was more important. According to my hospital I should be in a psychiatric unit and that from a counsellor! I'll reluctantly go but have no faith in any of it as the last time I tried to explain any of it my cbt therapist and she pulled out! I want the baby that's it and I won't take no for an answer!
  • Posted

    I know a lady who said that counselling was the best thing she ever did, so you have nothing to loose
    • Posted

      May be not but the last time I attended anything like that the counselling I had was cancelled part way through. I don't know if at the moment I can't any more heart ache!

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