Can anyone share support or give advice with withdrawing from tramadol please?

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Been taking tramodol 100mg 4x a day for 3years managed to reduce to 50mg 4 x a day but now really really struggling. Also on a lot of other meds for my very rare neurological condition. Getting no support from professionals at all. They seem happy to put you on these drugs but don't want to support you when you no longer need them and want to come off.

Any help, support or guidance will be greatly appreciated as I'm struggling big time with severe anxiety, sweats, going to the loo non stop. Don't know how long this is going to last?

Please any help??!


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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi jakki!! Sorry to hear that your struggling.. I cannot give you any useful advice I am afraid.. but sympathise with you.. I agree doctors are quick to hand out tablets and not so quick for anything else.. just in my experience..

    I hope you get some help soon!

  • Posted

    Thanks for reply just desperate to feel well.
  • Posted

    In my own case I have been taking Tramadol together with a small dose of amitriptyline (10mg), which although an antidepressant was prescribed for me because it also has an effect on nerve pain (I have post herpetic neuralgia). Maybe, when I decided to reduce my tramadol intake by a significant amount (due to anxiety setting in) the amitriptyline had a calming effect. Talk it over with your doctor, maybe this is a way to go, but then maybe not. 10mg of amitriptyline is very little and is unlikely to become habit forming.
  • Posted

    Thanks Steve for advice. I'm currently on various other medications for my rare neurological condition so tad worried about adding more when I'm trying to reduce. It helps just to come on here and share this with others as you well know it can be lonely with all the effects and problems medications brings let alone the condition you have too. When reducing medication before I've gone to the doctors for help and advice to be told " it's all

    In my head!" Later to prove it has been a withdrawal syndrome called daws. Now I am wanting to withdraw from tramadol I'm starting to recognise classic withdrawal symptoms. Today I feel like I'm starting with flu, very fast heart rate, anxiety, sweats. But only day 5 from going 250mg to 200mg. Long road ahead but with support I hope to succeed.

    Thanks guys for support. Will talk to doc about your suggestion Steve.

  • Posted

    I've just had an e-mail from somebody calling themselves tramseller 27/253 offering to ship tramadol direct to me, presumably no questions asked and no mention of a prescription. Totally irresponsible and possibly illegal. Why would I buy from an unknown source when the good old NHS give me them via a qualified doctor through a reputable pharmacist.

    I thought this site was for people to share experiences and mutual support and help, not for touting business and/or dealing.

  • Posted

    Thats awful... is there any compliant procedure on here!!
  • Posted

    Totally disgusting, can't you complain somehow ? Be interesting to see if they contact anyone else.
  • Posted

    Hi Jakki,

    You are correct in saying the doctor does not show more concern over you; it's simply because he's not going thru' the withdrawal but you. I've been there. If you are still in the withdrawal mode at the present time go back or better still make a phone appointment, and request a short course of a tranquillizer to cover the 'going crazy' period. Insist and explain exactly how you feel, make him sit up. You may then get thru' to him that your trying hard to come off them. Too, mention family and friends are concerned for your personal health during this time.

    Hope all comes well Jakki, thinking of you....................................Ron.

  • Posted

    Hi Ron

    Thanks for your reply. It so good to know others are out there as I feel so very alone with this. Unfortunately I cannot take anything else due to the other meds I'm on for my rare neurological disability. It is all very complicated because I am far from the run of mill patient. I have to ride the withdrawal out I'm afraid. Going to the doctors again next week so going to discuss it all again. In the meantime I will get through.

    Thanks again

  • Posted

    Hi wobbly68. I was on tramadol for 2 years. The latter 6 months I was on 800mg a day. And my detox was dropping 200mg a fortnight. Man I aint gonna lie, when I got down to 200mg a day then finally 0mg times was hard. Skin crawling, sweats, no sleep mood swings, no enerrgy couldn't ever plan on doing anything because I just never felt like moving. All I can say the first 2 weeks will be the hardest, but stick at it once your through it times will only get better, im tramadol free now and never felt so good. You can do it stay strong and let me know how you get on.
    • Posted

      Hello ryman

      thank you for your message. I am down to 3 tablets a day now it's horrendous as I am also withdrawing from other meds too. I find the all time low hits in after 4weeks of reducing the tramadol. 



    • Posted

      Do keep me posted on how you get on. All the best x
    • Posted

      Hello i read you no longer on tramadol how long it took you to get off. I come here for support cause i too im struggling with tramadol addiction for over 10yrs. I decided to try on my own i use to take 150mg 3 times a day i slowly cut down to only 50mg a day but like you im going through hell i dont sleep im in a bitchy mood all day. I be tempted to take more. But i dont i just think of the day i could say im tramadol free
    • Posted

      Hi grisel. Sorry for the late message only just seen it. So did the day come you can say your tramadol free? The first 2 weeks was hell I still remember it to this day. After that it picks up. Just recently ive beengetting very anxious and tramadol has crossed my mind, but having been off it so long is it worth it. Im struggling going to work and I just don't know what im gonna do. I hope to hear you come off it. Speak soon
    • Posted

      Hi wobbly. How's life. What's your story at the minute. Did you become drug free? Hope to hear back. X 

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