Can anyone suggest anything to help with sore boobs?

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So at last the itching is just about bearable and now my boobs feel like someone kicked me sad

I thought maybe it was a period coming, I still have been getting them every 3 months or so but they have been sore for about 6 weeks now. Worst in the morning.

Anyone offer any suggestions what might help please?

I read evening primrose but it made me really constipated sad

Thank you for reading x

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6 Replies

  • Posted


    Any possibility of having some blood work done to check your estrogens and progesterone levels? I used to have this issue along with others and I was tested and it was shown that my estrogens were going unopposed with zilch progesterone. I was started on out progesterone cream so many days of out the month, then most recently I started the micronized progesterone pill. This has worked like a charm.

    Everyone is different, but having an idea what you are lacking or not, is beneficial before taking supplements or meds.

    I hope you get to the bottom of the issue quickly.

    Annie xx

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Annie. Last time I saw my Dr she said there was no point in doing any blood tests, they would only tell us what we already know sad. She seems very anto trying to help at all, more about getting on with it. Thanks again xx
  • Posted

    Hi Jane.

    Annie is 100% right.

    Is the doctor that's following you a GP or a Gyno?

    If you with a GP only you could be very firm is requesting to be referred to a Gyno.

    Are you on any HRT? It really looks like you'd be better off with some progesterone.

    Regardless of this and meanwhile why not try these things:

    - Vitex- Agnus castus (herbal), it promotes progesterone production if the pituitary is still in the mood;

    - Milk thistle + Vit. B6 to cleanse the liver and lower "bad" oestrogen build up;

    I'll PM you a few links. Take care. X Teresa.

    • Posted

      GP and she is not the slightest bit interested sad

      I'm not on HRT and she put me off it.

      I would like to try and manage but like all of us it is hard and a lot of the time painful.

      I take B6 already and have some milk thistle so will add that back in.

      Thank you, I so appreciate your help xx

    • Posted

      Don't give up! wink

      There's prgesterone creams (transdermal use arms, tighs, etc) you can buy online.

      I'll PM you the links. 


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