Can BP meds cause severe acid reflux? Please help!!!
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This post may seem a bit long but please hang in there and give me ANY advice on what i may be going through. I cant take this anymore!!!
About 7 months ago i started experiencing minor acid reflux type symptoms after meals. Never any burning just air (belching). Over time, it has got progressively worse. Fast forward to now, i experience the following symptoms:
Acid reflux (mostly air not burning) ALL DAY ... not just after meals
shortness of breath
tightness in chest
trouble swallowing (not just food, mostly saliva) it seems this is increased when having acid reflux and increased anxiety situations
Heart Palpitations
i have had the following tests done:
endoscopy (everything “looks” good)
ultra sound of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas
echo of the heart
stress test
taken acid reflux meds , didn’t work
ALL tests have come back “normal.”
During this time i was taking the following medications:
i have recently stopped all meds. Klonopin was last taken 1 month ago. Lisinopril and hydro last taken 1 week ago. Since i stopped the Lisinopril my heart Palpitations mostly went away (so far).
Does anyone have a clue what i am going through??? The 2 things driving me crazy are the acid reflux and having a hard time swallowing the salvia. Almost feels like my throat is closing at times throughout the day and increases when i get anxiety.
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mrsmop bret95606
This link might help you.
Have you looked at the side effects of your drugs? I use an interactions checker whenever I am given a new drug to add to the ones I take.
I have GORD & my Consultant prescribed Gaviscon Advance 4 times a day after food & also Omeprazole once a day.
I now take Ranitidine 150mg once a day & Gaviscon at night before I go to bed, although I don't need to take it as often as I used to.
jane243 bret95606
My husband has a history of acid reflux and 3 years ago was admitted to hospital with a blockage in his bile duct which they thought they could clear via an ERCP procedure. Unfortunately they couldn't and even though no biopsies were taken as they couldn't access any, they concluded it must be a cancer of the bile duct
. They inserted a stent to bypass the blockage saying it would only be a matter of months before it gave problems again. That was 3 years ago and a CT scan 18 months ago was clear ....
For some time after being in hospital he had this dreadful burping that you describe and it was so bad at times that he was sick. He got through bottles and bottles of Gaviscon - or a generic antacid - until the GP put him on Omeprazole, taken in the morning. Since then no problems at all.
bret95606 jane243
lily65668 bret95606
Hi Bret,
Since an endoscopy didn't show up any problems in your oesophagus, I suspect that what you may be suffering from is globus:
Some of the possible causes in this article might sound alarming, but it's highly unlikely that any of them apply to you, given that you've come through all the tests with flying colours.
Anxiety is by far the most common cause of globus, especially when no pathology has been found on tests. I'm guessing this is why you were put on Klonopin in the first place. Perhaps you should go back to your doctor and discuss your anxiety levels. CBT is often very useful in cases like this.
You say you stopped your lisinopril and "hydro" (diuretic hydrochlorothiazide??) a week ago. Was this on medical advice? You don't say how high your BP was at the outset. BP medications shouldn't be stopped and started. If you feel the lisinopril was causing palpitations and your other symptoms, a better course of action would be to discuss this with your doctor. There are plenty of different BP meds out there, and some of them suit some people more than others.
henpen1980 bret95606