Can depression make you fall out of love?
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My partner of 8 years has depression and says he has fallen out of love.
I was wondering if anyone knows if depression can cause someone to fall out of love?
would really appreciate if anyone can shed light on this situation as its really making me feel horrible 😦
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sam18386 BoyfriendPTSD
Hi boyfriend p, i don't profess to be an expert but i know depression can do terrible things, he may be so depressed and not know how he truly feels. Poor man and poor you, good luck getting to the bottom of ehy he's so depressed.
BoyfriendPTSD sam18386
hi sam18386
thank you so much for your response. its such a hard situation and i feel like i am drownings.
we have had a good relationship for 8yrs now and are eachothers bestfriends. We call eachother family. We have been through so much together. However the past few yrs he has gradually fallen in to depression and he has told me he doesnt feel love for me. He has also lost interest in being physical with me as he states he feels 'dead' inside.
its so difficult for me and i dont know what to do
sam18386 BoyfriendPTSD
Hi boyfriend p, that's really sad to hear. Is your friend on medication? May be his medication is talking? I hope he gets the right support.x
vanessastar BoyfriendPTSD
I am so sorry you are going through this. I am depressed and feel so sad and dead inside. SO no I don't want to be sexual with my husband. BUT WE HAVE HAD MAJOR realtionship issues. HE Rejected me for tears in the bedroom and did not pursue me at all. BUT HE now is on Testosterone. BUT ALAS, Iam DEPRESSED. moving to another city has made me feel lonely and took me away from my career.
But i know this will pass. THE DEPRESSION will lift. I WILL GET BETTER. PLEASE TRY seeing a counselor together someone specialized in couples therapy. DONT GIVE UP ON YOUR RELATIONSHIP.
Eliaimee1970 BoyfriendPTSD
I hope he gets better . Has he tells you why he is depress? Has he seek proffesional help? Is there anyone else? Does he wants to move out? i was depressed once and I didnt fall out of love with my husband in the contrary i need it him more.
perhaps go to counseling together and see is he wants help. i hope he gets better and you guys are in a good place.
vanessastar Eliaimee1970
YOU didnt fall out of love? you are truly blessed. I SAY that with honesty. I HAVE BEEN married for 18 years and 15 hav ebeen a sexless marriage. SO this depression has been heartache and a breaking point for me. WE are seeing a sex therapist. I HAVE HOPE. I HOPE to get my libido back soon. HEAL MY BROKEN HEART. ALSO MY husband is on TESTOSTERONE.
leanne96735 BoyfriendPTSD
Hi love, I'm sorry for the situation you have found yourself in I just wanted to give you my experience. I to believed I had fallen out of love with my partner of 4 years when I was at my lowest point in depression. I became so numb that I had no feelings at all not love not happiness all I felt was negative feelings mainly a deep sadness, sorrow and desperation. I left my partner as I believed I no longer loved him it turned out to be a massive mistake as when I started to come out of depression I longed for him and my heart ached but by this point it was to late he had moved on. I hope your story has a happier ending and don't worry to much about him not wanting to be physical that is something that happens when your depressed you lose your sex drive completely. Leanne
anna07559 BoyfriendPTSD
Hey! I've been with my bf for nearly 11 years and yes it is possible to fall out of love because of depression. We haven't been intimate for 2 years since I became so depressed that I was put on medication. I also feel like it's hard to people without mental health issues to understand if they've never experienced it themselves. Sorry x
vanessastar anna07559
TOTALLY true. thank you for sharing.