Can driving mess Up my healing ankle injury?
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I broke the distal and of my fibula on June 9th falling office a ladder and completely rolling my right ankle also got some ligament damage as well which cause me to have to have surgery one plate and 4 screws on June 13th was place and a splint and now a cast it's been about 3 weeks And I'm going insane in my house I am non weight bearing on my right foot Which I have been doing really well at seeing as I am a crutch master at this points but I am unable to stay in my house I've been driving with my cast on my right for for a couple days now with no pain and very carefully but being non weight bearing and putting some pressure on my foot while I'm pressing on the gas pedal makes me feel concerned because I don't know if I messing up my healing in my Ankle my last appointment the doctor said everything looks fine But now I'm worried I might be messing up my healing process by driving Any thoughts on if I should driving or not?
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Selerim86 rebecca50162
You shouldn't be driving since you're non-weight bearing which also means no putting pressure as well. Maybe it messed up your healing maybe it doesn't. Only a X-rays will tell you but are you willing to risk it and slow down your healing or go to another surgery to re-corrected.
devsmom rebecca50162
My son was also a crutch master. Really amazing! Both of us (at different times) were in right leg NWB casts from toes to knees and neither of us drove. It really killed me but I was more afraid of having to step on the brake hard because of some idiot driver. There isn't too much pressure on the gas pedal but if you were in an accident what would your auto insurance company have to say? Why don't you call them and also your doctor and ask if you can drive? Our opinions are really quite worthless. Good luck healing quickly.
jennifer48411 rebecca50162
rebecca50162 jennifer48411
I already asked my Doctor he of Course said no . I don't drive every day I only do for emergency it's not like I'm outside driving all the time..
freddy41742 rebecca50162
Is there any possiblity that if you have no pain then there can't be anything wrong?
I broke my ankle on 21st April and up untill the last couple of weeks I have had quite a bit of pain so have done very little.
I know what you mean about going insane! When I got outside after my first physio it was amazing! Such a simple thing but amaing to be able to get around outside!
With regards the driving, as said in other replies what if you get seen, surely the insrucance company or police would have something to say!
I have been told by physio that it could be a couple of months before driving which is really frustrating!!
rebecca50162 freddy41742
I've been without pain for 3 weeks now I had my surgery on June 13 and I'm in the cast and I feel pretty Protected I'm a single mother and being alone it's very hard for someone to tell me I can't drive I do have help but all of my family work like cats and dogs so I'm hoping after My appointment coming up when they take off the cast I'm just gonna go right back to my regular schedule but I'm nervous because everyone is telling me how painful it is to actually start to weight bear and I am a nurse and I have to go back to work how is your pain level now as far as walking goes
freddy41742 rebecca50162
Hi Rebecca,
Wow you have a busy life then, I am really glad that you have no pain and hope that you can get back to your regular schedule quickly.
From my experience and reading that of others I think there is a big mental process in the whole experience. Mentally due to the accident and my past I struggled, al lot, you sound like you are doing really well and considering your a single mother and a nurse I am really happy for you.
Of all of the medical professionals I have seen through this experience including my stay in hospital and since leaving the nurses ahve been absolutely amazing and helped me so much so I think you do am amazing job!
With regards pain now, I am in the airboot and have been for 3 weeks. The first week of walking I had a quite a bit of pain and pins and needles for around the first 15 - 20 steps then it went away. The pain wasn't unbearable but definately there but could be walked away if you know what I mean. If I sat down for a period to raise my leg or when I woke up in the morning it was painful again but went away. With the physio it and stretches it has now gone and I can get the boot on after sitting and only occasionally get mild pins and needles. I have today has soreness where the wounds are but think that is just due to swelling and the temperature.
I wish you a super fast recovery!!
As I am sure you know everyones expereiince is different. Mine was bimeolar
jennifer48411 freddy41742
freddy41742 jennifer48411
Hi Jennifer,
Good luch for Frifday, i'll have my fingers crossed that you remain pain free or that you only experience limited pain.
I was advised by physio and many online posts that when you get the boot and start physio start back on the pain meds which have helped so if you do get some pain some paracetamol/ibuprofen will hopefully fix it. I was told the walking and stretching is almost the most important thing for recovery so if you need the pain killers then take them to keep yourself moving!
I assume you will get physio referal at the same time, that too can be painful but pain for the right reason!
I personally have found through this I can handle some pain but not others, the stretching which really hurts I can handle as it goes away when you release, the constant pain of swelling in the cast I struggled (understatement) with, but we're all different
Good luck for Friday and enjoy the freedom... for me it was amazing after amost 8 weeks in bed!!
jennifer48411 freddy41742