Can Ezetimibe cause high blood pressure

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Hello.  I was put on Ezetimbe 10mg about one month ago because I have very high cholesterol (probably due to hereditary factors) and the statin I was originally prescribed didn't agree with me.  My blood pressure has generally been pretty good, but it's shot up considerably recently and I wondered whether Ezetimbe might actually be contributing to this.  I can't find anything specific in the list of possible side effects.  I've lost over a stone in weight during the past three months to help with my levels and worked on diet changes so I can't understand why my blood pressure should rise like this.  Has anyone else experienced anything similar? 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    According to "netdoctor"

    Uncommon Side effects of Ezetrol [ezetimibe] (affecting between 1 to 10 out of every 1000 people)

    1.Abnormal results in liver function tests.


    3.Indigestion or heartburn.


    5.Muscle spasms.

    6.Pain in the joints.

    7.Chest pain.

    8.Decreased appetite.

    9.Hot flushes.

    10. Raised blood pressure.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly.  I hadn't found this particular combination of side effects.  I'll make an appointment to see my doctor as I've never had such a blood pressure reading before.  I also note that in the additional list on NetDoctor of rarer symptoms, it also mentions another side effects of a decrease in platelets which it seems could cause thrombosis.  I noticed yesterday I had a bruise appear on my finger which tied in with the high blood pressure reading.  I recently tried Atoravastatin and fairly quickly developed reactions to that so this was the Doctor's second try.  There must be SOMETHING out there I can take to reduce my cholesterol!
  • Posted

    "There must be SOMETHING out there I can take to reduce my cholesterol!"


    Apart from "familial hypercholesterolemia" high cholesterol is caused by inflammation due to free radical damage. Cholestrol is simply produced by the body to trying and repair the damage (like fibrin that forms scabs over external damage).  The more damage the more cholestrol your liver produces.

    Inflammation is due to a diet rich in sugar and other high glycemic index "foods"


    "modern" whole grain and white bread (wheat and denatured [rancid] seed oils)

    Cakes. (wheat and sugar)

    Biscuits (wheat and sugar)

    Ready meals (wheat / sugar / M.S.G and denatured [rancid] seed oils  etc etc).

    P.M ing you with a link to other / further info that you might find useful.

  • Posted

    Hi  just been put on Ezetrol   I have high cholestrol  but angiogram showed  clear arteries blood pressure normal  

    Makes me wonder why I am on it , 

    do you know how long they take to get into system before you get side effects, 

    Think mine like you is hereditary 

  • Posted

    Hi I am concerned in reading this discussion that many of us are not really being given clear explanations about statins, their side effects or why we are being prescribed this drug, which obviously has some very serious consequences for some of us. When I had a very severe reaction (being unble to pick anything up with either of my arms) the GP didn't seem bothered at all and would have gladly got me to go through a number of different statins in the hope that one would not damage my muscles.

    We also talk about family high colesterol but I don't think we really know much about this. I presume that I have this as my sister has had the same reactions to statins and also has high colesterol. Both of us are about 7.9. Even with a strict diet (down to 6.5) and statins for two years before the problem (6) I couldn't get it any lower. So maybe that's how they decide.

    Anyway I am having to re-look at doing something again as it's crept up again with a poor diet-but I'm trying going back to eating properly rather that try them first off as frankly I am worried about any long lasting muscle damage.

    So my feeling is that we have to decide for ourselves whether we can risk the longer term change(it took me three months but really I can't ever eat as much of  the sweet stuff I loved as it went up again) or is it urgent and worth the risk depending on other risk factors. But we do need to be fully informed about the risks of taking it or not. I'm giving myslef 3 months to see if I can get it down again-but I know it will take a life style change! hard going.

  • Posted

    Hi iv been on them for 10 years due the fact same as you could not take stains as cause bad joint pains they have worked for me with no blood pressure issues and i have been diabetic for 15 years which Means i have to keep my cholesterol down so i wouldn't thought that their cause your blood to rise best thing to do is go and see your doctor again good luck

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