can fluoxetine cause "heavy legs" achey leg muscles?

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trying to narrow down the suspect list that maybe causing the heavy achey legs feeling thats not gone away, had it perhaps two weeks now. I can walk for hours fine but left with this feeling 24\7, in the past few months both changed and doubled dose of statin I'm taking and at the back of my mind that's the culprit but thought i'd mention it on here, just in case anybody has the same (I'm on 40mgs Fluoxetine) thanks for reading cheesygrin

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi david

    You poor thing, you seem to have suffered most side effects! The ones I had were enough.

    Apparently yes the heavy or painful lega can be a side effect, check out road to rwcovery website. Still make sure your dr knows tho just in case.

    Hope it goea soon

    Take care


  • Posted

    hi david,

    statins can also cause heavy/achy limbs, when my dad was on them they really affected his walking. i have also taken some blood pressure meds that really made my legs heavy and achey. hope you find the culprit. hows everything else? x

  • Posted

    Hi David, I am @_3and a halremember intO taking flu, and have very recentlynoticed i have been getting a few leg cramps and aching you i don't know if it is the tabletS.....but....i have had so many side effects for the past 3 months that, as the puppet program stingray started.. ( if you are old enough to remember it !!)...anything can happen in the next half hour! best wishes take care.
  • Posted

    David I don't know if you read my message the other day about me weaning myself of flux but I spoke about being alerted to fibromyalgia by someone else that has suffered whilst on another anti depressant, my god, I looked it up it is is exactly what I have been experiencing as well as the heavy legs, horrendous head aches (drink lots of water to relieve them) calve muscle strain, and and and. .......

    Flux helps us to balance our mood in order to deal/cope with the problem, it doesn't cure the problem. I do get concerned when people keep upping their dosage to try & improve how they feel. I am lucky I feel I have tackled what was bringing me down & flux helped me to look less emotionally at my problem in order to deal with it in a rational logical manner, I have done that, so I feel there is no benefit what so ever by staying on flux, therefore weaning myself off them.

    The side affects I have suffered this past two months (been on them since 25/10/14) is debilitating to say the least in almost every way fibromyalgia is described. 

    Please read up on it 8 am sure you will relate to the symptoms.Good luck my friend & anyone else that is suffering these debilitating side effects. 

    • Posted

      I got fibromyalgia symptoms after taking mirtazapine

      Every bone in my body ached

      It was like I had went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson . It was so extreme that I had to stop

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