Can GERD / Gastritis / Reflux cause lightheadedness?

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I was reading that it can but has anyone with GERD / Gastritis / Reflux experience lightheadedness or dizzy feeling?

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12 Replies

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    Yes I am feeling nauseous and light-headed due to acid reflux and indigestion right now. Its awful.

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      Hi shakeela since day before yesterday I lost my appetite and had been having headaches as I was worrying about something (family matter). I dont think I suffer from migraine but this time acid reflux came with headache pressure in the eyes and extreme nausea. I wasnt feeling hungry but I worried that if After long period of not eating when I do end up hungry I might eat in large quantity which always end in an attack with me. I was due to go out to Asda anticipating long queues with a 5 year old so before leaving had one banana then also one activia yogert and 1 welsh cake. I ended up having too much. At night I didn't feel hungry and the headaches started and disturbed my sleep all night. The following morning (yesterday) My stomach was growling, had dodgy stomach feeling but no diarreah infact it was the opposite even though I take constipation medicine. I felt my eyes were extremely sensitive to light and my head was pounding. In the afternoon I tried small slices of water melon that came from Asda in sliced package. My symptoms became extremely worst after an hour of having water melon felt like throwing up all day with severe headache and chills. I couldn't even stand up for my prayer. My tummy was also growling I don't know how to explain but very uncomfortable feeling in my lower tummy. Its making me think if I have Ibs. By the way a few days ago I had my endoscopy results and it states they have found nothing except from a mild inflammation. They haven't said where the inflammation is esophagus or stomach. I hope you are feeling better. take care everyone.

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    i had severe gastritis before 6 months and still i feel dizzy after eating (specially lunch, chicken curry, fried potatoes etc.) my head spins after eating. my hands tremble and heartbeat raises. after these symptoms end, i feel extreme fatigue and weary.

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      hiya can I ask you a question about gastritis if you dont mind me asking. thankyou 😊

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    yea it can

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      what were your symptoms? I started last Thursday with a horrible pain in my stomach under my ribs also onto my back horrible taste in my mouth my doc said today it might be gastritis but they cant do anything because of the pandemic 😭 she told me to eat bland food and avoid fizzy and caffeine. have you got any tips please?

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      all my favourite things then 😭 how long does it last the pain is easing now but I have a pain in my back still. never had anything like this before.

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    yes i always have especially since nany of my flare ups are on an empty stomach. This causes me Hypoglycemia and i have actually fainted twice from this. So a good rule of thumb for anyone is to eat frequent small meals. Good Luck!

    • Posted

      what were your other symptoms before fainting? did your hands shivered (& felt cold) or head pounded, and a fast heartbeat?? etc.. please list all the symptoms so that we can take benefit from your experience

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