Can health anxiety really do this!
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About two months ago i started to get a headache and dizziness, then a strange stiff feeling in my tongue along with muscle twitching and buzzing sensations all over but mainly left side, with having serious health anxiety i fixated on this feeling in my tongue literally symptom checking and googling all day, i've convinced myself i have a deadly neurological condition and my mental health has deteriorated rapidly. ive still got this strange feeling in my tongue which also feels swollen, i feel its effecting my speech and along with the twitching and muscle fatigue (tongue and jaw also feel fatigued) i am petrified daily, dont want to get out of bed because i know what my day consists of, pure panic all the time. im a mum of 3 and feel like a terrible mother for not coping right now, i honestly have never felt so bad in all my life, ive convinced myself so much, my gp isnt doing much other than bloods which are normal except ferritin level is 10, so im forced to pay for private care, had a normal head mri with a few non suspicious nodules found and now on to a neurologist which is pricey without insurence. can health anxiety really make you believe you have an illness and even feel the symptoms, i want my life back so bad.
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ronald31131 sarah03088
Psycho somatic symptoms could possibly be caused by an intense anxiety event or constant anxiety. If you've gone to your GP and had an MRI and they've ruled out anything serious then there's probably nothing to worry about.
Possibly by fixating on something one could manifest symptoms. Do you think it is something physical or do you think it could be something psychosomatic? You say in the post that "i've convinced myself". If you think that's true then there's definitely an easy way to reconvincing yourself" that it's possibly absolutely nothing and it's wasting your time".?
rachael91259 sarah03088
i have had those same symptoms (except the tongue thing) and i know exactly which neurological diseases your talking about because i convinced myself i had them tooi get the muscle twitching and the vibrating sensations everyday and have done for about 5 months. lack of sleep make both symptoms so much worse. also these kinds of symptoms linger after you think your anxiety has gone and if youve suffered for a long time its harder to get over. if you are worried about it visit your GP they are still trained to detect rare conditions.
fleur1987 sarah03088
Hi Sarah
I really feel for you - I know how horrible that feeling is. I feel like I could have written your post - my symptoms are identical and I'm really ruminating over them and have convinced myself that something really sinister is going on.
I have been feeling like this since last November and feel like things have got worse over time but it seems to be fairly in line with my anxiety levels. I have been seeing someone to try and get to the root of my negative mindset/catastrophic thinking as I can't seem to think about anything else other than the symptoms I'm experiencing and the illness I'm convinced I have.
There is a rational part of me that feels that it can't be true (or at least that it's very unlikely) but it all feels so real. I try to remind myself that having this much anxiety for so long can do some really crazy things to your body.
I hope you get over this - I am working really hard to try and do the same.
dawn81303 fleur1987
its a
night mare you cant seem to get thoughts out your head and then when you get another symptom its scares you in to a state that you have sinister stuff and you seem to feel more syptoms
dawn81303 sarah03088
yes sarah i feel the same as you i get tremors in my hands like my fingers stiffen up then comes and goes and also i have weakness in arms or legs the list goes on . i have had two mri bloods and tests of my gp all normal .. so i still think i have things wrong with me .. i have been like this since i had a weird virus 7 weeks ago .. but i have suffered anxiety since i was 13 i am 50 now
vanessavee sarah03088
Sarah! You and I are going through the same thing—right down to that tongue and jaw sensation you're describing. It's horrible. I'm six months into also thinking I have a neurological condition. I'm twitching. I'm numb. I feel weak. And like you said, I feel like I can't even speak or swallow properly sometimes. Now I'm getting muscle cramps and joint pain. It's just unbearable.
I know it feels impossible, but try to avoid reading anything more about symptoms (or stay off of the internet altogether). My panic spikes a lot less when I avoid those topics. My brain still definitely assumes the worst almost ever hour of every day. But I try to take every new day as confirmation that I am OK—even when I feel absolutely awful.