Can herpes cause sore throat?
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I've had a really sore throats for about 2 days now but it will come and go I woke up in the morning with it, can herpes cause it? I almost feel like I'm losing my voice sometimes, I seem to get a new symptom every month or 2. I feel like I'm going crazy I honestly don't know how much more I can take of this I just want to curl up in a ball and cry.
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FelizCastus ashlyn26137
keyd9953 ashlyn26137
Yea it can it's a sign of flu like symptoms letting you know you are approaching a outbreak.....mines was like that last week I thought it was simply a sore throat til I found the lesion was present at same time....
FelizCastus keyd9953
keyd9953 FelizCastus
These meds are making me a little sick and sorry still coping didn't realize it on happens then.
FelizCastus keyd9953
It can still happen, but it's much less common. The first outbreak is often the worst one you'll experience. Having said that, not everyone gets flu-like symptoms, not even with the first outbreak. It varies greatly between individuals. It could be the first outbreak that's making you feel ill, by the way, not so much the meds. The meds are usually very well tolerated. Keep up your water intake whilst on the meds to flush your system.
keyd9953 FelizCastus
FelizCastus keyd9953
keyd9953 FelizCastus
So it's just a phase for the moment it will get better I will be able to still love my life somewhat what I was before....obviously without sexual interaction though?
FelizCastus keyd9953
Yes, and you can still have a sex life, too. Just need to be careful if your partner is negative (but it doesn't sound like yours is, since it seems you got it from him).
keyd9953 FelizCastus
I was informed earlier today that a person from last when I was like 19 may have gave it to me because he gave it to her and that an antibiotic I took recently after a hospital admission may have been what brought it out all of a sudden. I'm not sure but her hunch may be right.
FelizCastus keyd9953
keyd9953 FelizCastus
He knows and I'm hoping he goes he said he is but I guess Monday will tell .....I'm still in a state of shock I've calmed down a little, but if I ever decide to move on how am I suppose to tell that person who I plan to be intimate with or should I even tell him whoever they may be that I have this?
keyd9953 FelizCastus
So quick question I'm going to movies tonight my family usually share popcorn or nachos with me, but I'm in middle of an ob going away can still share?
FelizCastus keyd9953