Can I have an idiot's guide....

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Saw gynie last week who confirmed my suspicions of LS. She said that i have lost quite a lot of the 'architecture' and that my clitoris has fused (and that it was quite advanced because fusing doesn't happen in early cases). She's prescribed dermovate nightly for a month and then every other night for another month and then twice a week and back to her in 3 months for a review and biopsy if things haven't improved. So I've started using the dermovate this week ...but I'm not sure if this is expected to "release" the fusing or just prevent it from worsening ... General consensus.? Also the soda people do that at the same time as using the dermovate or only really when it's under control? I don't want to do too much at once - but id also like to see my clitoris again as I kinda like that little guy so at the same time I want to throw everything at it!



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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I believe that you should just use the dermovate for this first 3 months. Rub well in particularly in the creases and along the joins. I wouldn't expect it to unfuse, but it should prevent more fusing and heal up any soreness. Other people will probably make different suggestions but you can really only assess one product at a time. After the 3 months you can then try out alternative treatments and perhaps lifestyle things but I would still try one thing at a time. ( but keep the dermovate as required too)Good luck. Ann

    • Posted

      Ann,  I found out the hard way that I can't use some of the remedies mentioned on this site. I am allergic to Emuaid, coconut oil.  I have big blisters and red, raw skin. It's more painful that before! So be careful and only try one thing at a time.. after you've done the Dermovate  cream.  

    • Posted

      Thanks Debi...I think I'll keep everything else as is for a while and see from there...I'm already using epaderm emolient and coconut oil....I already eat vegetarian and gluten free with low sugar and low alcohol....and I take Epsom baths twice a week so only a few minor tweaks on those - but you're right to caution "too much at once". Thanks

    • Posted

      I read in another thread about sudocream offering some relief if you're sore...i know it's different but i use it on my 8 year olds when they're sore and if definitely helps to heal

    • Posted

      Thanks Ann...feeling a bit overwhelmed about it all.. but you're right - one thing at a time xx

  • Posted

    Hi there. I agree that I would not throw the kitchen sink at it all at once. The most important thing is to use the Dermovate as prescribed but also to use some sort of barrier to moisturise and and protect the skin from urine etc. I use HYDROMOL OINTMENT (NOT CREAM) Stay away from soap and perfumed products and cut out sugar . I also have a little spray bottle with water and couple of pinches of bicarb in it which I spray after using the loo. Dermovate has not infused my clitoris but it has halted any further fusing. Good luck and let us know how you are getting on. Welcome to the forum x
  • Posted

    I had fusing around clitoris and steroid Betnovate has reversed it considerably. Fusing had only just started so I could have been lucky but maybe this will give you hope. - best of luck to you 
    • Posted

      That's really positive news to's hard to know what to expect...I know everyone is different but it's a bit like "flying blind"! Thanks K

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