Can iron supplement make gastritis worse?

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Was thinking of taking an iron supplement because my blood work showed low iron and I'm hoping it would give me a boost in energy, but worried it may irritate my gastritis.  Is that possible?  

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11 Replies

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    I would be very careful, some people have really bad reaction to iron supplements.

    Try a multi vitamin instead, get a really good quality one, and try eating some extra red meat for meals if you can.

    For me red meat is a problem with my gastristis, especially in the evening, only seems to make me worse, with middle of the chest pain and indigestion, I try to keep my red meat and things I know irritate my stomach  to the morning meals, and at latest midday.

    Liver for breakfast is a great source of iron, and not to bad cooked in a with orange in the sauce, the orange also helps you take up the iron.


    • Posted

      Surprisingly, red meat doesn't seem to affect me all that much unless I go overboard with it.  I ate one lean roast beef sandwich a day last week for about 5 days straight and was fine, but as soon as I switched to some processed turkey, I started to get that burning stomach again.  Going to assume it's the salt irritating the stomach lining.  I'll play it safe and not take the supplement and just get iron through my diet.  Continue with eating shrimp and fish along with my nutritional drinks.  Even honey nut cheerios has a good source of iron.  

    • Posted

      Turkey should not upset you, unless it had something else in it, like garlic, onions.

      Part of having gastrisits I think is finding out what upsets your stomach and avoiding that particular item.

      Will give you a list of my AVOID foods, starting with the worst.  Garlic, onions (have to be careful), cinnamon, coffee (late in the day), coca cola, chocolate, beef as I have mentioned earlier.

      Tumeric (bright yellow colour) mixed in with vegetables, cumin, coriander, I tolerate well, make myself up a flavoursome vegetable dishes with those three above, but no curry as such.

    • Posted

      Hi Chucky

      Yes do be careful taking iron supplements. In my experience the iron irritated it . Although my dr put me on a gentle one call ferrochel it worked fine for a while but eventually the ferrochel irritated it. Now, im trying the plant based iron (curry leaves) I usually open caps and put in my smoothie, along with iron rich foods such as chia seeds, hemp seeds, quinoa, cream of wheat, etc. Other options are chewable vitamins with iron, liquid formula ( didnt work for me but may be different with you)

      Red meats are also a good source but keep in mind that it produces acid=inflammation. Yes you may want to stay away from all processed foods for now.

      I saw two naturopaths on last week and they really enlighten me about the gut how the right foods can heal it

      Meats eaten should only be grass fed

      or organic. I do the grass fed only. I was doing chicken and wild caught salmon. But my naturopath took me off chicken and told me to only eat salmon and tuna for now. Any type of fish or shrimp should only be wild caught. Fish with scales on it should not be eaten. Salmon is best but make sure its wild caught. These are pointers that i follow , maybe they can help you. Also try to avoid all processed foods, and sugar. Try eating more alkaline foods. Incorporating your iron and eating more alkaline foods hopefully you will start feeling better.

  • Posted

    Has your doctor not prescribed you iron tablets since your blood test showed low iron?   Maybe ask your doctor if your iron levels were low enough to warrant medication. Ask if it could worsen your gastritis. Tablets may be faster acting than getting it from your diet alone. 
    • Posted

      It's not dangerously low.  The hospital where I had my blood work done had a scale of 14.0-18.0 and I was at 13.8.  This was done a few months ago, but I'm still getting fatigue.  I was thinking of having my blood work redone to see where my levels are now. But I guess as long as I'm done passing blood, it shouldn't be too much of a concern.  Gastritis seems to cause fatigue.  Been taking 5000mcg of b12 for quite a while now and don't see much of a difference.  Probably not getting properly absorbed.  

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      When you say 'passing blood' do you mean blood tests or that you have been passing blood?  If taking B12 isn't helping much, see your doctor again.

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    Hi chuckey777

    You can get liquid iron supplement which may be easier on your gut....also if you have low iron you may have low B12 also ....B12 and iron are connected and deficiency in both will cause very low energy and lethargy......did you have your B12 checked when your iron was checked....if not ask doc to check it...ypu B12 patches on line if you do not want to take supplements...patches are better for older people (i don't know yr age)....beause they can't absorb B12 through the gut and ileum..due to declining intrinsic factor a protein that hepls B12 wishes....

  • Posted

    Hey man, I saw your post about your stomach building up and not growling, I suffer from this super bad. Got an endoscopy with no results. Did you ever find something to help relieve this? Im dying over here sad
  • Posted

    According to research on iron, higher the level of available iron in the stomach and small intestines the more irritation it causes.  When higher doses of iron are given to people suffering from anaemia (clinically low iron) they tend to suffer worse side effects.

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