Can mono cause your throat to swell or dry out?

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Lately I've been having trouble swallowing. I can't tell if I'm dehydrated again (I have a habit of not drinking a lot since I don't get thirsty often) or if my throat is swollen since I can't tell what it would look like if it were. Bread and red meat are the biggest problem, it feels like they get stuck in my throat when I swallow them. Can mono cause these things to happen? Please help! I'm really stressing out over it since so many things can cause this.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Ciela.

    I have had throat issues ever since having mono which I’ve hand for it 1 year and 3 months!! I actually had it scopes by an ent because I was so worried, Plus my speech would change and always hurts on one side!! It’s awful!! If your worried def see your doctor but, I’ve found that a lot of people on here have had throat issues with mono! Mine will get better, then it feels like day 1!! Hang in there and I hope it gets better for you real soon!! It’s a nasty virus and my internal medicine Dr said it can a year or two for symptoms to go away! But everyone is different!! 

    • Posted

      Hi Jennifer,

      That sounds absolutely terrible! I haven't had any pain with mine so far, but it feels almost dry - I think it may have something to do with my right tonsil even though it isn't very swollen. I noticed it feeling this way once last month before going away, but it doesn't seem to be going away this time, it's so frustrating!

      I really hope yours gets better soon as well!

  • Posted

    Hi ciela,

    Is it a feeling in your throat? Or more in your chest, like behind your sternum?


    • Posted

      Hi Arielle,

      The feeling is definitely in my throat. I recently noticed that one of my tonsils is swollen too, but it isn't really big so I don't know if that could affect swallowing or not.

    • Posted

      i have the same problem, also get it in my chest sometimes too

  • Posted

    Hi Ciela,

    So sorry you're having these issues with swallowing, and sorry I've not responded to your post here before now. I do hope things are a little more settled. I remember having quite a dry and sore throat with mono a lot of the time, I definitely do think it is reasonable to think that the mono is a factor within that, as your whole throat and neck area can be affected.

    Really hoping this settles down soon and of course keep drinking plenty of water, and even if just eating softer foods for a bit helps. Hang in there and remember you will get better, I do really believe that Ciela, it's a horrible virus and so frustrating but things do get better with time and it does go away completely, hard to be patient I know when going through this thing it really is. Thinking of you.


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