can peri cause deep aches/pain in hips/legs? why?
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Hi. I am 45 & started peri phase around 4mths ago (lots of symptoms showing then) but could well be upto 18mths ago. I say upto 18mths ago as I have had very irregular bleeding since approx that time & another link that started about same time - terrible aching right leg & hip mostly at night in bed. it wakes me every night, & feels like deep bone aching from hip to shin & calf. i had a steroid injection in hip 4wks ago, & the pain is now actually worse & the left leg/hip has now adopted the same type of pain but not as bad as the right. I was just wondering if there is a link to this & peri as it started around the same time as my irreg bleeding & the steroid injection has not helped at all(it was assumed i had inflammation in the hip). Can hormones cause this & why? Anyone any experience of this? I started hrt 1/4/16 & some of the symptoms are significantly improved already, but not this awful pain i get - i feel like an old lady & I'm only 45. ANY advice, experience welcomed please. xx
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Hi looloo,
Appreciate your post was some time ago but yours is the only reference I have seen to deep bone pain in leg bones and shin at night. I was wondering if you got to the bottom of it. I am 52 must be menopausal as I am getting night sweats but menopausal pain is seems to be joint pain when I look online- no-one mentions actual deep bone pain- like in my shins, which is keeping me up all night. How are you now? What happened? Thank you 😃