can peri cause deep aches/pain in hips/legs? why?

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Hi. I am 45 & started peri phase around 4mths ago (lots of symptoms showing then) but could well be upto 18mths ago. I say upto 18mths ago as I have had very irregular bleeding since approx that time & another link that started about same time - terrible aching right leg & hip mostly at night in bed. it wakes me every night, & feels like deep bone aching from hip to shin & calf. i had a steroid injection in hip 4wks ago, & the pain is now actually worse & the left leg/hip has now adopted the same type of pain but not as bad as the right. I was just wondering if there is a link to this & peri as it started around the same time as my irreg bleeding & the steroid injection has not helped at all(it was assumed i had inflammation in the hip). Can hormones cause this & why? Anyone any experience of this? I started hrt 1/4/16 & some of the symptoms are significantly improved already, but not this awful pain i get - i feel like an old lady & I'm only 45. ANY advice, experience welcomed please. xx

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I get this too. It's caused plunging progesterone levels. Try increasing your magnesium intake that alleviates aches and pains. Hope this helps.
  • Posted

    I have those too, in both thighs, feet, arms, and hands. I heard magnesium helps too. I think I may have an autoimmune disorder, so my neurologist has me on gabapentin, and it helps greatly. I don't know if it's menopause or something else, but it hurts a lot. Mine feels like muscle pain. Also heard Epsom salt baths work too. Good luck, feel better. 
    • Posted

      Wow I have o/a have had 5 tkr but have. Deep paibs sll over doctirs slways give ne "the look" whenbi tell them. I dometimes think I going mad. Have asked to see rheumatoligust. Body heavyclike lead weight also
    • Posted

      Thanku Debbie. i am seeing my gp next wk so will ask her about my magnesium levels taken on my last blood test (she did say all my bloods were acceptable except borderline on vit b but she was satisfied with it). I am on ppi's which can deplete magnesium levels, so worth asking again. I have read some posts on here about magnesium & some forms give people diarrea - do you know which form of it is easier on the gut/bowels as i also have colitis & ibs (maintained) so wouldnt like to try anything that is going to upset the gut or bowels. or does anybody else know? thanks for all the replies on here. sometimes its hard to work out if things are caused by hormone changes in peri, or a completely separate problem!! xx
    • Posted

      Don't know why, but I wrote some magnesium kinds for you, but was moderated. Will try again. 
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      Magnesium glycinate, malate, or oxide are good absorption. Also, Epsom salt baths, it absorbs in your skin. 
  • Posted

    I have the same problem if its not the pain its the hot flushes keeping me awake. And now on top of that just told I have Psoriasis which the iching is driving me around the bend. I take a warm bath and two painkillers every night in the hope of a full night sleep but up every morning at 5 am to give dog her insulin. What I would give for a full night sleep so would the husband as I am becoming hell to live with
  • Posted

    I thought I was in peri too at 38. Turns out it was endometriosis and a b12 deficiency. Am in menopause now as 3 years later I've had hysterectomy and oophorectomy. ... no hip pain since. Hip pain is in my mind definitely hormonal Weird!
  • Posted

    I get the deep pain always in my right leg and when i am lying down in bed! I have also had the odd deep shoulder pain, like a deep gnawing achy pain too x
  • Posted

    Yes! You're not alone! I'm 51, perimenopausal for about 18 months now. Have had the same pain, but hard to tease it out from a bone spur on my lower back and possibly the beginnings of arthritis...which is genetic. I've started Magnesium, Cat's Claw, doc suggested those. She's great...she gets it and I'm SO grateful for her. I also take a multivitamin specifically for menopausal symptoms. Regular exercise at least 4-5 times a week, also. Finally, as a last resort late at night when the pain wakes me up, I've started using Acetaminophin Arthritis, extended release. That's helped ALOT recently. Best to you and hope you get some relief!!
  • Posted

    I too having hip pain. All New to me ! and I read on another thread its part of the peri symptoms as well. I've experienced them all. Almost 2years at 41yrs old is when all my symptoms began and new ones keep occurring. It's an awful awful stage for some of us women who reached the 40's. Mines all began at 38yo. I hope there's a light after the tunnel. And I don't do Meds only natural remedies and alternative care.
  • Posted

    Hi looloo,

    Appreciate your post was some time ago but yours is the only reference I have seen to deep bone pain in leg bones and shin at night. I was wondering if you got to the bottom of it. I am 52 must be menopausal as I am getting night sweats but menopausal pain is seems to be joint pain when I look online- no-one mentions actual deep bone pain- like in my shins, which is keeping me up all night. How are you now? What happened? Thank you 😃

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