Can perimenopause cause increased anxiety and depression?
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Hi, I'm new to this forum. I'm 48 and have always been a 'bit of a 'worrier' since childhood and have suffered from bouts of moderate depression since my early thirties, however, back then it seemed reasonably manageable...however, KABOOM! I hit the grand old age of 47 and I felt like something had turned up the amplification knob!. I started having bouts of intense anxiety resulting in insomnia (in particular early waking) which then manifested into depression, the most awful feelings of doom, gloom and helplessness, intense fear, shame, guilt etc. My periods were becoming lighter and later and blood tests confirmed my hormones were fluctuating, I was put on anti-depressants which I'm still on but they don't seem to help with what seems to be the most crippling PMT which I have at the moment. Only a couple of days ago I just crumpled into a heap on my bedroom floor and cried, no I 'wailed' like a banshee!.....I feel like I'm losing my mind and am feeling very scared at the moment as I can't see any end to it and feel very this normal? has anybody else felt this way? and what helps you cope?
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brimbo67 Anjipanji66
That's exactly what happened to me seemingly out of the blue. I'm also 47, looking back been in peri for 7 years, but the real onslaught started 6-7 months ago. Things are generally less intense now & I am managing much better. Still have some painful crashes but keep telling myself that this will pass. I hope things ease in intensity for you soon xxxxx
Anjipanji66 brimbo67
Thankyou for your kind reply, it's good to know I'm not alone or going crazy and that there is light at the end of the tunnel, I guess I have to convince myself that these feelings will pass. I'm glad you're coping better now. x
marlene21102 Anjipanji66
Once I got that diagnosis I settled over time ,just accepted it along with hot flushes knew it wasent a disease. Never had depression ,just the anxiety which was bad .
So try and get into a menopause clinic ,insists on it .They see your symptoms everyday as your describing ,they even have walk in clinics check your area out .
Jay on site has placed on here through research ,some 65/66 meno symptoms it's still up as of yesterday I looked .Go check it out. Having a read might just help you ,I know it has many females. By just reading what she placed.,you will get a clearer picture in how your feeling .Its completely normal .Then go from there .
Anjipanji66 marlene21102
anita31460 Anjipanji66
hang on in there and be kind to yourself. Big hugs xxx
Anjipanji66 anita31460
justlease Anjipanji66
You may want to consider supplementing with magnesium and B6. Magnesium will help you sleep (I had the same insomnia and early waking and anxiety issues), and I feel tremendously improved since I started on those particular supplements. There are tons of recent threads in this forum about magnesium and the B vitamins, and you can also find a ton of info about both via Google. I wish I could link you to specific articles/brands, but we're not allowed to do that.
Anjipanji66 justlease
anne52691 Anjipanji66
Anjipanji66 anne52691
Ruthie49 Anjipanji66
marlene21102 Ruthie49
I was lucky in the end I got an old male Dr ,suppose he'd seen and heard a lot over his doctoring years shame he wasent the first Dr Id seen. Could have saved me weeks of symptom worrying .
So I always say now to any female ,I this age grouping see a Female Dr with few years behind her,she's got same female parts as we so she knows what and where your describing symptoms .Failing that. Get in to an older male Dr as I did or go to a menopause clinic .Lessons I've learnt I my meno life .watch the sugars you have as with anxiety. It can shoot it really up.Messes up hormone levels big time ,as they go up and down at will .You have no control ,but you can help minimise affects to anxiety and depression if you suffer from that or both .I find anxiety worse AM then tapers off as day goes by like its stored up overnight .The joys of female life ,to all this at end .?
Anjipanji66 Ruthie49
sheri54049 Anjipanji66
Anjipanji66 sheri54049
marlene21102 Anjipanji66