Can pvcs cause cardiomyopathy?
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Hey everyone! So i have a quick question.. Can pvcs cause Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? Im an athlete who does swimming and want to know because i suffer from these pvcs everyday.. They usually occur when im resting and randomly and never really occur in frequent patterns although when i go to sleep i get one or two episodes of bigeminy that last only two seconds or less.
I hope that these pvcs wont cause my heart to become enlarged because i do swimming which could put some stress on the heart. I do butterfly and freestyle! And the pvcc never bother me during excersise. But what bothers me is that i could be having so many like 1,000s a day and not even know it! Should i go to the ER and get a monitor? The problem is that i dont know if my parents would be willing to take me because of my passed panic attacks! Any advice would be appreciated!
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marilyn60759 Anxietysufferer
Generally PVC's could be a sign you have a type of cardiomyopathy, not cause it. Some people just have PVC's and they are benign, or can be stress related. Mine were originally thought to be stress related, which they were, but my sister died of sudden cardiac death in 12/14. I had been having PVC's for two years up to that point. She had never mentioned having any, but sometimes you don't feel them.
Her autopsy showed cause of death as ARVC/D. I was tested and I had 22,000 PVC'S in 24 hours. I was diagnosed with it as well and had an ICD placed 2 weeks later.
The only thing that concerns me with you is that you are tying the PVC'S to exercise. That's very common with ARVC/D. So to be on the safe side, I'd get with an Internal Medicine doc or Cardiologist and have them send you home with a holter monitor for 24 hours.
Anxietysufferer marilyn60759
I went to a cardiologist already and i have no cardiomyopathy and he told me not to worry about the pvcs, he told me that my heart is in perfect condition And they went away for a while. But after a few weeks they came back but much severe.. And after 11 doctors visits my parents keep refusing to take me to the ER because they keep thinking its just anxiety.
The pvcs never bother me during excersise, they go away... Or i just dont feel them.. I have no other disease or structural abnormalities in my heart.. Dont have any genetic disorders.. Many people have 20,000 more pvcs a day and they're still fine. I have absolutely NO REASON for my heart to go into ventricular fibrillation at all! I had five ecgs... Nothing.. My mom had a holter and it showed nothing.. So that got rid of my fear of lqts and brugadas. No one in my family has died a sudden death before age 50. No one has had a heart attack. No one nor do my parents have heart disease.
What frustrates me is that i WANT to get a holter monitor.. But my parents keep thinking i dont need it. The reason why i want one is to see how many im having a day. These pvcs could be really frightening and my biggest fear is sudden cardiac death. When you said that your sister died a sudden cardiac death that made me even more anxious tbh because she was also having pvcs and she wasnt feeling them AT ALL
and im really sorry for your loss. But i had all the tests done. Echo, ecg, blood work. Normal. I have been having a lot of stress lately and im trying to find ways to cope.. But its hard when you constantly feel like sonething is wrong
marilyn60759 Anxietysufferer
My sister's heart was deemed fine as well even on autopsy. They found the scarring in her ventricle under a microscope. My doctor put me in the hospital in 2013 when I first started having them and did a complete cardiac work up. Stress test, echo, 12 lead EKG, they did everything but a heart cath and everything was normal. The only way to be sure if you have it is the holter monitor, and an MRI of the heart. I had an echo in September and it was basically normal. But I could go from PVC's to v tach to v fib in a matter of seconds. That's why I have the ICD. My sister didn't even know she was having PVC's. She died of sudden cardiac death. Cell phone right beside her. She went into cardiac arrest, passed out and died within seconds. I'm not trying to scare you I'm trying to inform you. This disease can be worsened by exercise. Ever hear stories about a high school football player that just suddenly fits on the field during the game, and they say that nothing was wrong with him? Then on autopsy they say he had a congenital heart defect they knew nothing about. That's ARVC. 80% of cases are found on autopsy.
Get your parents to take you to the Dr and do a 24 holter monitor. There's nothing to it. They hook you up, you go home, and bring it back the next day. It's worth the peace of mind.
Anxietysufferer marilyn60759
I cant go to the doctor. Ive already been to11. Its not me its my parents. What happened to your sister is making me even MORE anxious. I was talking about this on multiple forums and everyone is saying that they are benign and not to worry. I heard that pvcs dont cause damage to the heart unless your having more then thousands a day. But some people could have 8000 pvcs a day and still be fine.
I know that you were trying to inform me but this is making me very scared... And making me MORE anxious that i could just collapse and die any minute. Pvcs in normal hearts dont cAuse cardiac arrest themselves. The normal heart can maintain 3-5 beats of NSVT, and the person can still be alive! Cardiac arrest is my worst fear and this story is increasing it
Pvcs are not a disease unless there is an underlying disease with it, like enlarged heart, coronary artery disease, structural abnormalities.. Long qt syndrome... And so on. I was having these since the beginning of summer.. And i feel them! I went to the doctor and he told me i would not go into cardiac arrest. After a few weeks they came back. I really want to get a monitor but thats not gonna happen. My parents keep telling me its just stress and anxiety. I have panic attacks everyday because i feel like im dropping dead. I wont be able to go to prom, i wont be able to see my bff again because of THIS! No matter how hard i try to tell my parents they dont listen.
Pvcs should not trigger ventricular fibrillation if you have a normal heart. Your sister mustve had SOMETHING that couldve caused arvc to worsen. She probably had bigeminy everyday and didnt even know it.. Which is very unfortunate. But for you... It doesnt sound like you have any damage to your heart... So pvcs may turn to a bit of NSVT but not v fib because the heart should be strong enough to maintain a little bit of the arrythmmia . The only way for v fib to happen to you if you didnt have the icd was if you had a weak heart, heard defect or disease.
If your sister had arvc that is NOT considered normal. I dont understand why people label her heart as normal even tho she had that which frustrates me because people with GAD like myself... Who have pvcs here and there read that and its like they think they're dying because of the possibility of a small scar their heart. This is why people who suffer from this condition never believe any of the doctors and still believe something is wrong. Because they read stories like these and then they cant trust echos they cant trust ecgs... They cant trust anything! Because the internet or some story always has to say "well i had an echo and it was normal but then i died two months later and survived and was put on icd" the reason YOU have one is because this is hereditary. Meaning that you guys could have inherited this not acquired it.
I think that she was born with that, she just didnt know it. I dont know if you were.. But im glad you have an icd. From my knowledge.. Pvcs are harmless and dont need treatment. If they get more frequent treatement is available to reduce them. She probably had that condition forever.. And the pvcs were like a warning sign.. I dont know if shes ever been to a cardio.. But if she didnt she really shouldvs had at least an ecg. It is very unfortunate that these genetic mutations are undetected. But my parents have high cholesterol and hypertension and they never had a problem. They even get pvcs too and have never dropped dead. My mom had a holter and it was normal... This is why shes telling me i dont need one which is a stupid excuse
Echocardiograms look at the hearts structure to rule out any structural abnormality. They do not rule out genetic mutations in the heart UNLESS the mutation has an effect on the structure of the heart. Arrythmmiogenic right ventricular dysplasia is a genetic disorder... So its great you got a holter monitor, and that they caught it! I might be sounding repetitive and im sorry about that. I'll try my best to get a holter monitor! I really want one for my own sake... Just to make sure im not having TOO many... And so i can determine whether i need meds... Or maybe even an ablation or ICD ( worst case scenario lol ) but in normal hearts, without any genetic disorders or diseases... Pvcs are benign and dont indicate a disease if they have been checked out. They are just a natural phenonema... Like a little hiccup the heart has... Some people get it more than others... And these are very common but frightening. In your sisters case she died not because of the pvcs themselves but it was because of a heart problem she never knew about... So her heart was NOT normal. She might've been healthy... But that doesnt mean her heart was 100% healthy. I had many heart tests like i said before ... But the next will be a holter monitor if possible
i have panic disorder... So i hope it works out in the end. I thought i had long qt syndrome.. But my moms results got rid of my fear.
marilyn60759 Anxietysufferer
Yes ARVC is genetic. Yes my sister and I were both born with it. She, unfortunately, never manifested symptoms, such as PVC's, syncope, etc. I should have told you I'm also an RN. Having PVC's will not damage your heart. Most of the time they are benign. Sometimes, it is a sign of an underlying condition, like myself, but most doctors aren't going to look for that unless there is a family history because it is fairly rare. Again, my doctor considered them benign up until my sister died from ARVD. My sister was the first person in our family that died from it as far as we know. So to recap, yes it's congenital but it doesn't usually show symptoms until your teens to your 30's. I didn't show any symptoms until my early 40's, my sister didn't show any and died at 47. I was probably having them before then, but not enough to feel them. My sister probably did as well. My children and future grandchildren, my sister's children and grandchildren have a 1:2 chance of having it as well. My kids were tested last year after my diagnosis and my 15 yr old daughter is having PVC's, but she can't feel them and it was only 100 in 24 hours and our doctor said she would have to have more than 500 in 24 hours before she would do an MRI or diagnose her. So she monitors her more closely than she does my son's. However, one of my son's is now having them and he can feel them and I've checked him and he is having them occasionally so he has to go this month and be checked again.
More likely than not you's are benign. But if necessary, have your parents read this and I encourage them to at least do the 24 hour holter monitor. Again, you don't have to be hospitalized for that.
Anxietysufferer marilyn60759
Hopefully i'll get a monitor soon... Im dying to get one. Im going for counseling so hopefully that will urge my parents to get me one. I have panic everyday and take .5 mg klonopin for this. Im just concerned whether or not these could affect swimming
although they never occur during excersise... Or i just dont feel them. My panics have been really severe lately and they're getting worse. They make me dizzy and nauseos and i have to lag down for a while and then the symptoms will go away. I have VERY bad heartburn... And sometimes i get scared because i cant tell if its heartburn from a heart attack or just from gerd. I usually get heartburn in the morning, when im laying down... When i have my panics.. And after i eat something. I hate it.. It feels like fire in the chest .
chris1303 Anxietysufferer
Hi, you may get this answer as the post is only a few months old. I get 10k pvc's a day with some NSVT. The only reason I know this is because I bought a hand held event monitor off ebay for £70. It's fda approved so medically accurate and it clearly show's rhythm disorders....and pvcs are easily identifiable. You can print the the trace off or email to your Doctor. Mine paid attention when I took it in and I'm now going through the process of a work up.
Hope this helps, you don't need to wait to borrow one from your surgery. I know its a fair bit of cash but it's worth every penny.
nic94505 marilyn60759
Hi Marilyn, can you tell me how they tested you for the ARVD? I've been diagnosed with benign PVCs. They are at 28% as of July 2016. But after seeing you and your sister's story it's got me nervous. I'm so sorry for your loss too. I lost my fiance a few years ago in which I believe the stress and grief eventually has led to my heart condition. I know how hard it must be for you. I've tried living with the PVCs and feeling comfort from the doctors that they are harmless, but I just can't take them anymore so I'm planning on having a cardiac ablation. Meds are not an option because they are not induced by adrenalin and my heart rate is on the slower side already. I've had ECG,s, stress test, echo, several holter (24hr, 30 day,7 days) And have been told my heart is healthy and don't worry about it. They feel like they've increased I the last month or 2 so I'm going to do the ablation. I just want to make sure I'm covering all ends with my Dr so are there any other tests I should be asking for to determine if I've got the genetic factor despite no family history? I also have a son who I now might need to consider getting tested I'm guessing. Thank you for sharing and good luck on your journey.
nic94505 Anxietysufferer
Hope you find answers and end up with a holter monitor test. If you haven't already, get bloodwork for vitamin deficiencies and thyroid function, hormones, magnesium, etc. To see if there is a contributing factor. My story is the same as yours with the feelings of frustration and constant anxiety. Mine go away with exercise but come back shortly after. I have 28,000 a day, diagnosed benign but they have affected my life to a point I can't sleep, feel like crap constantly and they prevent me from doing normal things like going to the grocery store or trips. I recently started a log...When they happen, what I was doing, eating, exercise, whatever. I'm hoping to figure out a pattern. I have always believed mine are related to my stomach/digestion, maybe vagus nerve. I think hormone levels play a part. I'm in my early 40s and hormones can be brutal. Anyway, perhaps a journal could help you too??? Stay on your mission and you will hopefully find the answers you need. Good luck.
debbie85944 Anxietysufferer
I can relate so well to your situation, it is so scary and you start to panic which makes it even worse. I don't think you should worry, if doctor says they are harmless then trust him and give yourself time to come to terms with it. You can take medicine if it is so bad that it affects your lifestyle and I would take that route. Just because you have pvc's does not mean that you will develop cardiomyopathy, plenty people live with them with no problem at all.
i have pvc's and mild cardiomyopathy. Not sure if the irregular heartbeat caused the cardiomyopathy or the other way around. I know the pvc's are harmless but do worry that these will cause more strain on the heart. Went for a radio frequency ablation yesterday which was the most horrific experience I have ever had and has left me feeling traumatised.
Trust me don't try to look for something that isn't there. Have faith in your doctors, make sure you make lifestyle changes to reduce the problem and if necessary try medication.
I'm in time you'll come to terms with it and all will be okay.
good luck, hope everything works out for you
nic94505 debbie85944
debbie85944 nic94505
Hi, I wouldn't worry too much, just check with your consultant that they will give you adequate sedation. I have since complained to the hospital, I was left feeling confused because they gave me a local anaesthetic but refused to give me any sedation or pain relief. It was truly horrific and I just couldn't understand why, they did say at the time that they needed me to be having pvc's in order to map the problem. I think it depends what type of problem you have and whether they can tell where the problem lies without your heart beating irregularly at the time of ablation.
?From everything I've read it shouldn't be painful so please don't panic, just speak to your consultant and I'm sure all will be okay and you will have a painless successful ablation. Good luck!
nic94505 debbie85944
Thanks Debbie. I spoke with them Friday and they said they'd be giving a "friendly"sedation which isn't knocked out, but makes you very sleepy. I've had that sort of seadatiin before with another procedure so I'm familiar. They also told me the PVCs need to be happening to find the location. I guess heavy sedation can stop then in some people. I'll make sure to be comfortable before they begin any of the procedure. I'm so sorry you went through such a bad experience. Take care and hopefully your PVCs are now a thing if the past